6 de setembro de 2014

Rosh Hashanah in Gehinnom: Auschwitz 1944 - Academia.edu


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Yosef Gavriel

Rosh Hashanah in Gehinnom: Auschwitz 1944

by Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

Originally a 1999 "Jewish Observer" essay, reprinted in "A Path Through the Ashes" published by Artscroll. See a different, abridged version by Mrs. Shira Schmidt at: http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2007/09/10/sounding-the-shofar-in-auschwitz/

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Yosef Gavriel

Rabbi Ephraim Eisenberg zt"l: A Master Pipeline of Torah

by Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

An essay from "The Jewish Observer."

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Exploring students acceptance of e-learning using Technology Acceptance Model in Jordanian universities

by Amer Al-Adwan

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"A Pedagogical Imperative of Pedagogical Imperatives"


This paper was in honor of receiving the James and Helen Merritt Distinguished Service Award for Contributions to the Philosophy of Education. The paper explores the author's concerns of how bad faith--the phenomenon of lying to the self, of attempting to avoid a displeasing truth in favor of a pleasing falsehood--addresses core problems of pedagogy and raises the need for critical pedagogy. This need, the author argues, is evident in what Jane Anna Gordon and he call "the pedagogical imperative," the teacher's obligation to continue being a student in the form of expanding her or his...

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"Introduction: On Working through a Most Difficult Terrain"


This co-authored introduction (with Jane Anna Gordon) offers a brief history of the formation of African American Studies and the various lines of debate and possibilities for future consideration as offered by the editors' A COMPANION TO AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES. Among some new organizing concepts offered in this introduction is the editors' formulation of African American studies as a "pedagogical imperative."

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Angela Khristin

A Time for Change

by Angela Khristin Brown

I am saddened by the loss of so many of our American children, regardless of what race, nationality and ethnicity, who were subjected to murder, silenced to death, because of an relentless act, purge red by violence. If the community is not educated on how to implement programs to meet their needs, then the fate of the community will die and the violence will continue. Man is not truly free, if he is afraid to die. The black man is not free, if he cannot stand his own ground. Throughout history, black people faced many oppositions that would prevent equal apparatus with its counterparts...

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The Role of AP and the Composition Program

by Daniel Mahala

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Constructing Disciplinary Space: The Borders, Boundaries, and Zones of English

by Daniel Mahala

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5 O CHIBITO: Rosh Hashanah in Gehinnom: Auschwitz 1944 - Academia.edu Top papers from your news feed from the last week ...

04:23 | 6 de setembro de 2014

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