28 de março de 2015

Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination - Academia.edu


Top papers from your news feed from the last week


Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination

by Vicken Cheterian

In this pioneering study, Stefan Ihrig shows how German nationalists and Nazis specifically were inspired by the Turkish nationalists and developed a minor cult of Mustafa Kemal.

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Competence in Communication And Interpersonal Skills

by Halina Ostańkowicz-Bazan

My online activity inspired me to get reverting to my earlier research about effective communication. From my view, connecting with the use of the Internet seems to be creating new questions about the way people communicate. I am working to present a theoretical backdrop to the principles of the process of communication, as well as communications skills models. My approach is based on the well-known model of the functions of language introduced by Roman Jakobson. Although it is recognizable that Jakobson's theory can be challenged on numerous grounds from a theoretical perspective, I...

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Gender and Cultural Citizenship: Non Jewish Immigrants in Israel

by Anna Prashizky and Larissa Remennick

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Spirituality in the Classroom

by Timothy E Quinlan

This is a very old paper that I wrote in early 1995 about the need for the teacher of religion (any religion indeed) to have a firm spirituality and a real authentic core to his/her personality or self. The paper straddles the fields of theology, psychology of personal development and education. It was published in the summer edition of a small publication, since extinct, called The Irish Catechist, some time in 1995.

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by Safary Wa-Mbaleka

Seen as a bittersweet gift to the world today, especially in developing countries, globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on Africans, and especially on the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The resources of Congo have played an important role in globalization around the world; more so in the world outside Congo. Through the death of millions of people, socioeconomic and psychological challenges, the Congolese people have had to pay a very high price simply because of these resources that are so highly needed to sustain globalization. While expected to help...

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How Parents Understand Evaluation Process – Mental Models as the Main Obstacle for Engaging Parents in School Evaluation

by Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz and Roman Dorczak

One of the most important elements ofthe recent reform of the school inspection system in Polandis to focus on the parents' voice through the collection of data during evaluation process in schools. Three years of experience with this system has shown that there still is a lot of confusion with the actual understanding of the evaluation process among all the groups actively involved: external evaluators (school inspectors), head-teachers, teachers, and representatives of school partners, parents and students. The authors claim that this is the most important obstacle in the promotion...

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The educational contribution of philosophical enquiry in a world of religious plurality.

by Patricia Hannam

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Setting the Tone for Higher Education: The Blanco Star School of Hays County, Texas

by Christine (Moscardini-Hall) Hoffman

Rural schoolchildren in Hays County attended the Blanco Star School from 1922-1945, located approximately three miles northeast of San Marcos, where the Hays County Jail stands now. It was likely a training school for educators studying at Southwest Texas State Teachers College. When the Blanco Star closed in 1945, the students transferred to San Marcos schools, located on the university's campus, where many students remained through their college years. This two-room country school made such a mark on its students and teachers that nearly seventy years after its doors closed the last...

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Family Revolution-Table of Contents

by Faye Xiao

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Rein Andre

Wikipedia Information The Forgotten Pollution (Introduction)

by Rein Andre Roos

Natura Artis Magistra, this is another way to explain the conclusion of Richard Feynman. It is written at the entrance of the zoo in Amsterdam, and means « Nature is the teacher of Art and Science ». The way of teaching of Nature is very different from the way we teach Science today. William Ockham's razor (c.1287–1347) and René Descartes (1596-1650) refusal of his own senses « simplified » Science. The result was linear thinking, something unknown to Nature and making the onset for the over-simplification of modern Science. Nature's teachings disappeared when statistics and modelling with...

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5 O CHIBITO: Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination - Academia.edu Top papers from your news feed from the last week ...

21:39 | 28 de março de 2015

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