27 de setembro de 2015

“Pelas Teias da (In)justiça no século XVI: A Taberneira Mourisca Leonor Lopes”,... - Academia.edu


Isabel  Drumond Braga Isabel Drumond Braga
Universidade de LisboaDepartamento de História (history department), Faculty Member

"Pelas Teias da (In)justiça no século XVI: A Taberneira Mourisca Leonor Lopes", As Mulheres perante os Tribunais do Antigo Regime na Península Ibérica, coordenação de Isabel Drumond Braga e de Margarita Torremocha Hernández, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2015, pp. 15-35 .

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Tim Sandle Tim Sandle
The University of ManchesterPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Adjunct

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Mediation and the Involvement of Mediators in Conflicts Solution

In time, efforts were made to create methods to solve the conflicts arising in human society. From this point of view, we took into account the discussion of certain new methods to solve different conflicts other than the regular ones. Mediation appeared as a reaction to the inefficiency of the inexistent methods of solving different types of conflicts. It is a well-elaborated process, within which the conflicting parties may express their opinions and interests. As well, mediation enables decision making within the involved group or by each individual. Moreover, this process requires the...

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Jonathan Schroeder Jonathan Schroeder
Rochester Institute of TechnologyCommunication, Faculty Member

Critical Visual Analysis of Gender: Reactions and Reflections

As a way to think about gender in marketing, this paper reflects on recent events of the "Gamergate" scandal, in which an online analyst of gender in video games was severely harassed and threatened. We focus largely of representational conventions of gender, and introduce conceptual tools such as ethics of representation and performative iteration to illuminate key concerns within marketing representation. We raise several important issues for future work on gender and marketing, and urge a move beyond a search for "effects."

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Francesca Ferrando Francesca Ferrando
New York UniversityLiberal Studies Program, Adjunct


NOTE: this is chapter 27 of the book "Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television," eds. Michael Hauskeller, Thomas D. Philbeck, Curtis Carbonell (Palgrave, 2015). For the final version of this article, please purchase the book. ABSTRACT: Cinematic and TV productions have recently begun to include aliens, computers and non-human others into the saga of the "human". The symbolic significance of such a shift is radical: the notion of the human has evolved, from a closed category, into the extended and open label of the posthuman. Through Affect Theory and New Materialism, this article...

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Tim Murphey Tim Murphey
Kanda University of International StudiesEnglish Department, Faculty Member

A CBI (CLIL) Curriculum Innovation: Nanzan's Revolving Six-Week Workshops

This short article describes Nanzan University's (Japan) CBI Workshop Classes for first and second year students that began in 1992. The article provides a short history of the program that to my knowledge is still running (as of 2015) and looks at five important issues: (a) choosing an approach and methodology; (b) selecting and orienting teachers; (c) selecting courses; (d) convincing students, staff, and administrators of the value of CBI in upper level courses, and (e) encouraging the continuation of CBI in upper level courses to provide continuity.

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Tim Murphey Tim Murphey
Kanda University of International StudiesEnglish Department, Faculty Member

Meaningful Communicative Repetition

This article suggests some easy yet meaningful ways to have students repeat new information with new language to different people in different activities so that it sticks longer in their memories. It presupposes that interaction with others in the target language is one of the major routes to acquisition.

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Warren Blumenfeld Warren Blumenfeld
University of Massachusetts at AmherstCollege of Education, Faculty Member

My "Gay Agenda": A Response to Focus on the Family

Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld argues that advancing a positive social and academic climate in schools for students, faculty, staff, and administrators of all social identities, including sexual and gender identities and expressions, should be major priorities ("agenda" items) for all (including people as individuals and at politically and religiously conservative organizations like Focus on the Family) if they are truly concerned and interested in ensuring safer and more welcoming school environments.

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Jenny Berglund Jenny Berglund
Södertörn UniversitySchool of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Faculty Member

Swedish Religion Education: Objective but Marinated in Lutheran Protestantism?

In this article, I use the experience of a Czech doctoral student to discuss why religion education in Sweden can be understood as both deeply Lutheran and at the same time neutral and objective. In do- ing this, I look at the present syllabus in religion education, point to some of the changes that have been made in relation to the previous syllabus, and highlight some of the controversies that arose when it was written in 2010. I also put Swedish religion education and Swed- ish educational system in a historical context, pointing to its relation to liberal theology and cultural...

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Julian Schaap Julian Schaap
Erasmus University RotterdamErasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Faculty Member

YouTube as a virtual springboard: Circumventing gender dynamics in offline and online metal music careers

Studies have shown that learning to play in a band is largely a peer-based – rather than individual – experience, shaped by existing sex-segregated friendship networks. With the rise of the Internet and do-it-yourself recording techniques, new possibilities have emerged for music production and distribution. As male-dominated offline metal scenes are often difficult to enter for aspiring female metal musicians, online participation might serve as a possibility to circumvent these gender dynamics. This article therefore addresses to what extent female and male musicians navigate online metal...

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5 O CHIBITO: “Pelas Teias da (In)justiça no século XVI: A Taberneira Mourisca Leonor Lopes”,... - Academia.edu ...

13:55 | 27 de setembro de 2015

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