30 de outubro de 2015

Díaz-Andreu, M. 2009. Childe and the international congresses of archaeology.... - Academia.edu


Margarita Díaz-Andreu Margarita Díaz-Andreu
ICREADepartament de Prehistòria, H. Antiga i Arqueologia; GRAP, Faculty Member

Díaz-Andreu, M. 2009. Childe and the international congresses of archaeology. European Journal of Archaeology [Special issue: Díaz-Andreu, M. (ed.) Childe 50 years after] 12: 91-122.

In this article Childe's commitment to internationalism and, in particular, to the International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (CISPP) is analysed. Personal correspondence between Childe and Myres and, to a lesser extent, other archaeologists, is used as the basis to consider the different stages in Childe's involvement in the CISPP. After an overview of the emergence of international congresses, the article looks at the formation of an interest group that resulted in the creation of the CISPP. The challenges brought by Nazi Germany to the international scene, and to...

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Andrea Peto Andrea Peto
Central European UniversityGender Studies, Faculty Member

Ayşe Gül Altınay and Andrea Pető, Gender, memory and connective genocide scholarship: A conversation with Marianne Hirsch European Journal of Women's Studies November 2015 22: 386-396

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Andrea Peto Andrea Peto
Central European UniversityGender Studies, Faculty Member

Ayşe Gül Altınay and Andrea Pető Europe and the century of genocides: New directions in the feminist theorizing of genocide European Journal of Women's Studies November 2015 22: 379-385,

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Tommy J. Curry Tommy J. Curry
Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of Philosophy, Faculty Member

Ethnological Theories of Race/Sex in 19th Century Black Thought: Implications for the Race/Gender Debate of the 21st Century

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Matthew Crosston Matthew Crosston
Bellevue UniversityInternational Security and Intelligence Studies, Faculty Member

Academic Scholarship and Intelligence Vetting: Censorship or Saving Grace?

A new article by The Moscow Times revealed a mixed reaction to supposed FSB 'vetting' of academic scholarship. The Times, which has largely become a holding repository of intense criticism of the Russian government (and no, the irony of a media organization sharply critical of the government for infringing on media freedom has apparently not sunken in yet in Moscow), is clearly siding high on the indignation side of this issue: for the most part the article is a not-so-thinly veiled accusation of Russian intelligence services trying to basically return the country's academic community to a...

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Mike  Cole Mike Cole
University of California, San DiegoCommunication, Emeritus

A Bio-Cultural-Historical Approach to the Study of Development

This chapter identifies an emerging consensus among cultural-developmental scientists concerning the relationship between culture and human ontogeny. It then builds on the areas of this consensus to present an approach, cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT), inspired by L. S. Vygotsky. The body of the chapter reviews a series of examples that illustrate a variety of ontogenetic phenomena pertinent to the formulation of a metatheory that can further organize cultural developmental science. It concludes by considering the challenges that lie ahead if such a metatheory is to be achieved,...

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Tim Murphey Tim Murphey
Kanda University of International StudiesEnglish Department, Faculty Member

Ventriloquation: The inter/intramental dance in language learning

According to socio-cultural theory learning begins intermentally. New ideas, words, behaviours, and attitudes are first encountered between minds (even the mind that may just be represented in a book or article). Through ventriloquating (shadowing, imitating, using, recreating, and teaching) them repeatedly we gradually become able to represent them without outside stimulation; i.e. we create neural networks that represent them in our minds. This is the process of internalization when tools (language, concepts, etc.) become intramental. One job of a classroom teacher then is to get people...

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Urszula Kluczyńska
Poznan University of Medical SciencesDepartment of Medical Education, Adjunct

Older husbands as carers. Construction of masculinity in context of care-giving

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Asem  Abdelmageed Kamel Asem Abdelmageed Kamel
Cairo UniversityEducational Psychology, Faculty Member

The effect of a program Based on Curiosity in developing some cognitive processes and thinking skills for pupils of the preparatory stage


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Tope  Akinyetun Tope Akinyetun
University of BeninPOLITICAL SCIENCE, Graduate Student


Religion and gods play an important role in how many parents raise their children. Even parents who aren't very ardent in their faith and don't go to religious worship services very often seem to believe that religion is a vital component in any upbringing. This is not justified, however. A child can be raised without religion and without gods and not be any worse off for it. In fact, a godless upbringing has advantages because it avoids so many of the dangers that accompany religion. For religious theists, religion provides a lot of structure for their lives. Religion helps explain who...

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5 O CHIBITO: Díaz-Andreu, M. 2009. Childe and the international congresses of archaeology.... - Academia.edu ...

04:26 | 30 de outubro de 2015

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