17 de outubro de 2015

Pela margem do Mondego: Abrunheira, Verride e Vila Nova da Barca. Olhares da... - Academia.edu


Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
Universidade de CoimbraCentro de História da Sociedade e Cultura, Post-Doc

Pela margem do Mondego: Abrunheira, Verride e Vila Nova da Barca. Olhares da História. Coimbra: Palimage, 2015.

Em termos geográficos o estudo centra-se na margem esquerda do Mondego, abrangendo um horizonte espacial que começa na margem do rio, desce até à freguesia de Samuel e do monte de Reveles se estende, para Nascente, até à localidade de Brunhós. Com base em dados coligidos nos fundos documentais do Arquivo Histórico de Montemor-o-Velho, no Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra e no Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, desvendam-se neste estudo traços marcantes da História da actual União de Freguesias de Abrunheira, Verride e Vila Nova da Barca, nomeadamente a evolução do povoamento, o...

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Hatem Bazian Hatem Bazian
University of California, BerkeleyNear Eastern Studies, Faculty Member

Palestine's Wound

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Andrea Peto Andrea Peto
Central European UniversityGender Studies, Faculty Member

Judith Szapor, Andrea Pető, Maura Hametz u. Marina Calloni Hg., Jewish Intellectual Women in Central Europe 1860–2000: Twelve Biographical Essays, New York: Edwin Mellen Press 2012. Review in L'Homme. Z. F. G. 25, 2 (2014) pp. 145-149. By Hannah Lotte Lund

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Petros Vassiliadis Petros Vassiliadis
Aristotle University of ThessalonikiTheology, Emeritus


The history of the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions up to its last Congress held in Neapolis, Thessalonik, and Volos in 2008

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admiel kosman admiel kosman
Universitaet PotsdamInstitute of Religious Studies, Faculty Member

Psalms Chapter 58: From the Mole to the Male in a Talmudic Story On the Meaning of Suffering in the Eyes of the Rabbis

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Raquel Rennó Raquel Rennó
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da BahiaCentro de Cultura, Linguagens e Tecnologias Aplicadas, Faculty Member

Novos estudantes na velha sala de aula: o ensino da arte e tecnologia, entre institucionalização e mundos possíveis

Em Aberto, Brasília, v. 28, n. 94, p. 189-197, jul./dez. 2015 Abstract New students in the old classroom: the teaching of art and technology between institutionalization and possible worlds Six students from three federal universities, in different stages of the course of visual arts (second, fifth and seventh semesters), were interviewed about the relevance of the curriculum or the approach of the course content. Projects in art, science and technology arise inside and outside academia. These projects are developed in so-called labs (hacklabs, fablabs, medialabs), conducted by researchers...

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Anne Harris Anne Harris
Monash UniversityEducation, Department Member

'Critically Evolving: Critical Approaches to Arts Based Research' (editorial) UNESCO Observatory Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts (open source e-journal)

see full issue here: http://www.unescomelb.org/volume-5-issue-1-1/2015/9/14/00-editorial ABSTRACT: Arts based research (ABR), its products, processes and critical theorising have come a long way in the past few years, nowhere more noticeably than in public pedagogy and education. Whether framed as arts-informed practices, practice-led research or applied research, it is certainly interesting times for those of us working at the nexus of arts, research and education. There has been an unprecedented proliferation of critical frameworks and approaches and we are continuing to move away from...

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Ana Munar Ana Munar
Copenhagen Business School, CBSInternational Economics and Management, Faculty Member

The Gender Gap in the Tourism Academy

This study is part of an ongoing research project entitled "While Waiting for the Dawn," which explores the role that gender plays in the lives of women scholars and students in the tourism academy. This report maps gender equality in the tourism academy through a series of key indicators that reflect leadership in the field. These indicators include editorial positions in journals, positions on conference committees, and keynote speakers, among others. Results clearly show a gender gap within the tourism academy and an imbalance in the influence of women and men in key leadership roles,...

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michalinos zembylas
Open University of CyprusEducation Studies, Faculty Member

Discomforting pedagogies: emotional tensions, ethical dilemmas and transformative possibilities

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Vasudevi Reddy
University of PortsmouthDepartment of Psychology, Faculty Member

Children With Autism Experience Problems With Both Objects and People

Kanner (1943), in his classic account, described autism as a specific impairment in interpersonal relations which leaves the child's uses of objects relatively unaffected. This combination of the difficulties in relating to people and the supposedly "excellent" relations to objects figures centrally within many of the current theories of autism, which have had relatively little to say on the question

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06:53 | 17 de outubro de 2015

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