21 de maio de 2016

In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence During the North African Campaign - Academia.edu


Patrick  Bernhard Patrick Bernhard
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V.Department 4, Faculty Member

In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence During the North African Campaign

taly's Decade of War: 1935-45 in International Perspective Details Date: 6-7 September 2016 Location: University of Strathclyde From the invasion of Abyssinia to the end of World War II, Italy experienced a decade of war. This conference aims to re-evaluate the history of the Italian experience during this ten-year period with a unifying perspective that places the Italian Fascist regime and its foreign and military enterprises in an entirely internationalised framework of analysis. It will bring an international focus upon the Italian role in the break-down of the international system...

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Abhijit  Guha Abhijit Guha
Vidyasagar UniversityAnthropology, Faculty Member

Review of 'Negotiation and Social Space: A Gendered Analysis of Changing kin and security networks in South Asia & Sub-Saharan Africa'

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Asli Zengin Asli Zengin
Brandeis UniversityWomen's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Post-Doc

Mortal Life of Trans/Feminism: Notes on " Gender Killings " in Turkey

This piece reflects on some ongoing tensions between cisgender women's and trans people's feminisms, suggesting specific frameworks to resolve these tensions into coalitional feminist organizing. To do that, the author draws on her ethnographic research and activist work in Turkey and proposes that a collective focus on the realm of death would bring feminist cis women and trans people together around a shared gender experience. In Turkey, the annual number of cis and trans women who are killed by cis men has been gradually increasing. This situation makes the availability of killing a...

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David Laniado David Laniado
Fundació Barcelona MediaSocial Media, Post-Doc

Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships

Gender homophily, or the preference for interaction with individuals of the same gender, has been observed in many contexts, especially during childhood and adolescence. In this study we investigate such phenomenon by analyzing the interactions of the ∼10 million users of Tuenti, a Spanish social networking service popular among teenagers. In dyadic relationships we find evidence of higher gender homophily for women. We also observe a preference of users with more friends to connect to the opposite gender. A particularly marked gender difference emerges in signing up for the social...

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Mithilesh Kumar Jha Mithilesh Kumar Jha
Indian Institute of Technology GuwahatiDepartment of Humanities & Social Sciences, Faculty Member

book-review-benign-violence-education-in-and-beyond-the-age-of-reason-by- ansgar-allen/ Book Review: Benign Violence: Education In and Beyond the Age of Reason by Ansgar Allen

In Benign Violence: Education In and Beyond the Age of Reason, Ansgar Allen challenges the view that education is, at its core, an incontestable social good by outlining how its structures are underpinned by systemic violence. While Allen's argument may not entirely sway readers away from the overarchingly positive value typically attributed to education, it nonetheless asks serious questions about the role that the education system and examinations have played in shaping us and our world, writes Mithilesh Kumar Jha. powerful Foucauldian critique of the education system that has come to...

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Tamara Leech
Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisSocial and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty Member

Diversity in times of austerity: documenting resistance in the academy

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Deborah  Britzman Deborah Britzman
York UniversityEducation, Faculty Member

Paulo Freire and Melanie Klein: Thoughts on the pain of symbolization in the lifeworld of the mind

Two intertwined predicaments bring me to join the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein who argued that depression is the origin of the human condition with Paulo Freire's call for a radical humanization to release oppression. The first concerns the question what transformation transforms; while the second inquires into the relation between oppression and depression hold in loss, mourning, and symbolization.

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James Stillwaggon James Stillwaggon
Iona CollegePhilosophy, Faculty Member

Mourning, Melancholia and the Maintenance of the Lost Child: Questioning Tribunella on the Uses of Trauma in Children's Literature

forthcoming in Philosophy of Childhood: Exploring the Boundaries. David Kennedy and Brock Bahler, eds. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. While the meaning of childhood is notoriously contradictory, multiple, and historically contingent, all childhood is defined in relation to the adult world that serves as its limit and to whose demands the attachments and concerns of childhood must be lost. In this essay, in order to consider the idea of childhood in terms of its loss, I take up Eric Tribunella's (2010) Melancholia and Maturation: The Use of Trauma in American Children's Literature, a text...

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Jennifer  Simpson Jennifer Simpson
The Open UniversityFaculty of Health and Social Care, Faculty Member

Thinking outside the box with CPD

Jenny Simpson tells COMPASS about the differing perspectives of CPD and how it can often be an untapped resource.

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Marie Achille
Université de MontréalDepartement de psychologie, Faculty Member

The Impact of Self-Determination Variables On Patients' Adherence To Medication And Readiness To Transition To Adult Health Care

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5 O CHIBITO: In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence During the North African Campaign - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Patrick Bernhard Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. ,  Department 4 , F...

15:47 | 21 de maio de 2016

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