| | | Pessoa Plural - A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 9 [Da introdução] O presente número monográfico da revista «Pessoa Plural – A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies» foi concebido e projetado desde o ano de 2013, entre Portugal e Brasil, países de atuação profissional dos organizadores [Fabrizio Boscaglia & Duarte Drumond Braga]. A nossa intenção foi a de oferecer aos estudiosos e leitores a oportunidade de considerar uma vasta e dispersa área da obra de Fernando Pessoa. Esta área corresponde ao âmbito temático que no título do presente número veio a ser denominado como "Oriente/Orient". Com efeito, várias das geografias que o leitor... | | OS POBRES, OS RICOS E A CARIDADE NA LITERATURA RELIGIOSA PORTUGUESA DOS SÉCULOS XVII, XVIII E XIX Early Modern Portuguese religious conceptions of poverty and charity have attracted little attention, although there are good spirituality literature experts in Portugal. What will be shown is how the Portuguese religious literature defined the poor and the rich, attacked each other's inherent vices and their chances of salvation, regulated their relationship and explained the unequal social reality. Key Words: Portuguese religious literature. Poverty. Wealth. Charity. Salvation As conceções religiosas portuguesas modernas sobre pobreza e caridade têm suscitado pouca atenção, embora existam... | | The Waters of Mendangumeli: A Masculine Psychoanalytic Interpretation of a New Guinea This article corroborates Alan Dundes's psychoanalytic interpretation of flood myths as expressing male envy of female fertility and birth. My data consist of two deluge tales collected in a Sepik River society in Papua New Guinea in the 1980s and 1994. But I do more than simply test Dundes's thesis. I also show that it is possible and, indeed, imperative to embed psychoanalytic analyses of oral tales in the local cultural context. I also update, in a sense, Dundes's framework with insights from Lacanian and feminist anthropology. Last, I discuss how Iatmul women respond—both to the tale... | | Building social and emotional efficacy to (re)engage young adolescents: capitalising on the 'window of opportunity' Research confirms that when students disengage from learning, there is a greatly increased risk of them dropping out of school and not completing secondary education (Year 12). In an Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) report on Equity in Education [OECD. 2012. "Investing in Equity in Education Pays off", in Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools. Paris, France: OECD. doi:10.1787/9789264130852-3-en], school dropout rates in developed countries averaged 20% and, in some countries, was as high as 25%. Lyche [2010. Taking on the... | | |
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