30 de julho de 2016



Maria Antónia Lopes Maria Antónia Lopes
Universidade de CoimbraFaculdade de Letras, Departamento de História, Arqueologia e Artes, Faculty Member

TRANSGRESSõES FEMININAS NO RECOLHIMENTO DA MISERICóRDIA DO PORTO, 1732 ‑1824 in Saúde, Ciência e Património - Atas do III Congresso de História da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, Porto, Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, 2016, pp. 95-123

The conduct of enclosed women in convents and gatherings was monitored by external male authorities with visits and interrogations in a constant, but often inglorious, effort to discipline. This also happened at the Recolhimento da Misericórdia do Porto or Recolhimento de Órfãs de Nossa Senhora da Esperança. With a systematic utilization of such inspections records, the everyday aspects of these women will be analyzed by comparing them with those of other communities whose experiences we know through such sources. Visitation Chapters of Recolhimento de Órfãs de Nossa Senhora da Esperança...

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Daniel  Keeran MSW Daniel Keeran MSW
College of Mental Health CounselingPresident, Faculty Member

The Spiritual Way (printable poster)

ideas for positive living

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Probal Dasgupta Probal Dasgupta
Indian Statistical Institute, CalcuttaLinguistic Research Unit, Faculty Member

On the word _nEka_

This unpublished 1979 article (it's so short I should call it a note) about the Bangla word _nEka_ raised questions that have later been taken up in women's studies, queer studies and related fields. I wonder if anybody familiar with the word _nEka_ has in fact contextualized the word with more recent tools in a way that supersedes this note. If there is such writing, please let me know. [The earlier Bangla article that this English piece refers to first appeared in _Krittibas_ in 1975 and was later included in my 1987 book _Kathaar kriyaakarmo_ ('The activities of words'), Kolkata: Dey's...

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Martin  Ebner Martin Ebner
Graz University of TechnologyComputer and Information Services / Social Learning, Faculty Member

Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German - a first prototype

Data-driven learning in combination with emerging academic areas such as Learning Analytics (LA) has the potential to tailor students' education to their needs [1]. The aim of this article is to present a web-based training platform for primary school pupils who struggle with the acquisition of German orthography. Our objective is the improvement in their writing and spelling competences. The focus of this article is on the development of the platform and the details concerning the requirements and the design of the User Interface (UI). In combination with Learning Analytics, the platform...

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Pamela L. Geller Pamela L. Geller
University of MiamiAnthropology, Faculty Member

The Bioarchaeology of Socio-Sexual Lives: Queering Common Sense About Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

This volume uses bioarchaeological remains to examine the complexities and diversity of past socio-sexual lives. This book does not begin with the presumption that certain aspects of sex, gender, and sexuality are universal and longstanding. Rather, the case studies within—extend from Neolithic Europe to pre-Columbian Mesoamerica to the nineteenth-century United States—highlight the importance of culturally and historically contextualizing socio-sexual beliefs and practices.

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Diego  Semerene Costa Diego Semerene Costa
The American University of Paris (AUP)Department of Global Communications, Faculty Member

Playing Dead: On Part-time Transvestism, Digital Semblance and Drag Feminism

Abstract: This essay explores digital technology 's enabling so-called "gay men " to make contact (sexual and otherwise) with heterosexually identified males through cross-dressing. This phenomenon, which the digital exacerbates, exposes a loophole in heterosexual logic, where the object is revealed to be a semblance, not a finite and neatly gendered materiality. The essay deploys " trans, " then, not as a bounded identity category one might transition into like a final destination, but as a technology for pleasure to where one can transit back and forth through digital mediation. The rise...

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Morwenna Griffiths
University of EdinburghEducation, Faculty Member

Love and social justice Birmingham 07_07_16.pptx

The presentations addresses the question of the significance of love and social justice in education research and how such research might contribute to enabling people to live well in the world – when 'the world' is understood as including not only human beings but also the more-than-human. It focuses on practitioner research (inclusive of action research, self-study, reflective practice, action inquiry and more. It

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Anita  SINGH Anita SINGH
Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiEnglish, Faculty Member

Staging Gender in Ramlila of Ramnagar

Interrogation of gendered representations proves particularly salient in Ramlila, (literally " Rama's play ") which is a performance of the Ramayana epic in a series of scenes that include song, narration, recital and dialogue. This paper will look at gender in performance and gender as performance in the context of Ramlila. The most recent emphasis in feminist literary theory has been upon the concept of "performativity" to analyze the processes of the formation of gender identity. This essay will be informed by a series of issues raised by the current gender theories in understanding the...

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Elvis Rezende Elvis Rezende
UNIFALDepartamento de Ciências Humanas, Faculty Member


Resumo: O presente trabalho propõe-se a levantar reflexões ensaísticas sobre o ambiente educacional, na perspectiva da discussão antropológica e da experiência cultural. Tais reflexões se apóiam em referenciais renomados da filosofia e da sociologia da educação, nomeadamente Michel Foucault, Zygmunt Bauman e, de modo especial, Michel de Montaigne. Procura-se problematizar o papel dialogal razoável e mesmo laboratorial da educação e da instituição escolar no que tange à dimensão cultural do ser humano. O enfoque se dá à crítica ao processo de aculturação que, por vezes, permeia a história da...

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Duncan Stuart Duncan Stuart
University of DerbyEducation, Graduate Student

Developing Emotional Well-being in a Learning Environment: An investigation, analysis and evaluation of the role of awareness in gaining mastery of emotional processes, through studying a Post Graduate Certificate in Emotional Education

This paper considers the role of the awareness necessary to gain greater mastery of one's emotional processes and enhance emotional well-being in a learning environment. It critically examines what people think they need to achieve this, vs. what they actually receive through the exploration of changing perception over time. A mixed method phenomenological analysis approach was chosen to study the perceptions of a cohort of students studying a Post Graduate Certificate in Emotional Education (PGCEE). Focusing on how the students perceived what emotional well-being was (i.e. their view of...

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5 O CHIBITO: TRANSGRESSõES FEMININAS NO RECOLHIMENTO DA MISERICóRDIA DO PORTO, 1732 ‑1824 ... - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Maria Antónia Lopes Universidade de Coimbra ,  Faculdade de Letras, Departamento de Hist...

02:56 | 30 de julho de 2016

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