| | | Evidências do Quotidiano no Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, Lisboa: Os contextos do poço SE do Claustro NE Resumo: As intervenções arqueológicas concretizadas entre 1999-2001 na Praça da Figueira, Lisboa, permitiram o reconhecimento de contextos referentes ao Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos (HRTS), nomeadamente o claustro NE, bem como uma estrutura hidráulica inserida no respectivo perímetro. A identificação do espólio cerâmico e vítreo aqui exumado permitiu, numa primeira abordagem, a aferição cronológica e tipológica e, consequentemente, de perfis funcionais (utilitário, de cozinha e medicinal). Numa segunda fase, pretende-se obter uma leitura concreta no que concerne ao período de utilização... | | Anger Self-Assessment (download/distribute) Respond to each numbered item in the short list here as either True or False for you. A "True" response may identify a potential area for training. Reflect on whether an item identifies a problem or issue in the way you manage your anger. Anger requires boundaries, and a moral value (e.g. OK or not OK) can be assigned to ways of expressing anger. | | Working at the crossroads of pleasure and danger: Feminist perspectives on doing critical sexuality studies For those entering the field of sexuality studies, there is often little advice or guidance on the many facets of the work, some of which are pleasurable and some of which are dangerous. Drawing from our personal and professional conflicts surrounding our work as feminist psychologists and sociologists studying women's sexuality, we extend Carole Vance's (1984) claims about pleasure and danger by arguing that, for the sex researcher, pleasure and danger are in fact inverted. That which should give us pleasure (e.g. having our work promoted to the public; teaching critical material about... | | The global education policy of school-based management in conflict-affected contexts: Current reach, prominent rationales, and future research For those who focus on the role of education in international development, the approach to education governance of school-based management (SBM) has been the primary means by which the participation of community members has been incorporated into the provision of education. However, while SBM is a well-known approach to governance that has become a global education policy, in that it is widely promoted, adapted, and implemented, a trend that stands out—and which is addressed in this paper—is the use of, and reference to, SBM in work on conflict-affected contexts (CACs). Indeed, there has... | | Women at the Wheel: A Century of Buying, Driving, and Fixing Cars "Now I understand why I so often end up in the passenger seat! Katherine Parkin has convinced me that driving—and all that surrounds it—is one of the most gendered experiences in American history. Women at the Wheel reads like a romp through American popular culture, but Parkin's claims are well worth taking seriously."—Beth Bailey, author of Sex in the Heartland "Buying, driving, and fixing cars has always been a highly gendered experience, as Katherine Parkin shows in this engaging and richly researched narrative. But when the focus is shifted from an experience overwhelmingly... | | |
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