16 de dezembro de 2017

🚀 2017 was an exciting year for the Feedly community!

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Together, we have read 1.2 billion articles in Feedly this past year. Some of us connected to thought leaders or found new favorite blogs, while others learned new skills or searched for deeper insights into changing industries. We are all united, however, in the belief that reading makes us smarter.

Feedly, too, got smarter in 2017. You can now annotate and save essential articles, filter out noise, disseminate critical insights, and re-organize your feeds.

We want to thank the Feedly Pro and the Feedly Teams communities for their support, and we look forward to what we will accomplish together in 2018!

Read on!

Edwin and the Feedly team
Keyword Alerts
Get the latest news about specific topics, clients, and competitors
Track mentions
Boards, Notes, and Highlights
Annotate, save, and share essential articles
Boost your research
Mute Filters
Fine-tune your feeds by hiding mentions of unwanted topics or keywords
Cancel the noise
30% off blackfriday
Our Thanks To You
Supercharge your reading with Feedly Pro
Team Newsletters
Curate and share industry and competitive intelligence
Disseminate insights
Feedly For iPhone X
Experience the sharper Feedly Mobile
Go mobile
The New Organize Experience
Re-organize your feeds and remove inactive sources
Trim your feeds
Feeling mobile? Get the Feedly app and read on the go
GooglePlay Store App

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5 O CHIBITO: 🚀 2017 was an exciting year for the Feedly community! ...

10:33 | 16 de dezembro de 2017

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