| | | Poemas e documentos inéditos: o lote 31 e a colecção Fernando Távora General DOI: https://doi.org/10.7301/Z0QV3JRT Particular DOI: https://doi.org/10.7301/Z0FJ2F16 Abstract Throughout his life, the Architect Fernando Távora purchased several of Fernando Pessoa's manuscripts. These include a number of poems, one of which (" No horizonte solemne ") remained unpublished until today. The manuscripts also include lists that refer to other unpublished poems, the latter available inPessoàs archive at the National Library of Portugal. This contribution presents most of Fernando Pessoa's poems in the Fernando Távora Collection, as well as other documents of in... | | 2018 World Latin American Agenda English edition of the World Latin American Agenda for 2018, freely available for you to gift your friends and persons commited with Latin American aswell as with Gender Equality isssues. | | Lesson Plans for Teaching " The English Lesson " by Nicholasa Mohr Created for junior high, high school, and/or college and university students, including English Language Learning (ELL) students. The plans offer with a variety of learning objectives, backgrounds, and challenge levels. "The English Lesson" is a classic story about English language learners and their teacher from Nicholas Mohr's short story collection _In Nueva York_. | | Plebeian Masculinity and Sexual Comedy in Buenos Aires, 1880-1930. In describing late nineteenth and early twentieth century Buenos Aires, Argentine historians often invoke the category of "progress." Basing their analysis on the immense economic and urban growth of the period, scholars usually deploy this category without much nuance. While this growth wrought profound social transformations, to be sure, the historical research framed by a one-dimensional conception of progress has overlooked key aspects of the period. A major topic usually occluded is the living conditions and cultural traits of the urban lower strata. This essay deals with one aspect of... | | FORMULAÇÃO E IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DA AÇÃO AFIRMATIVA PARA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DO MUSEU NACIONAL 1 RESUMO O trabalho analisa a política de ação afirmativa instituída na pós-graduação em antropologia social do Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo é contribuir com a literatura e analisar a formulação e a implementação das ações afirmativas para pós-graduação de uma perspectiva crítica. Destaca-se a importância da participação conjunta dos corpos discente e docente na elaboração e discussão da proposta, bem como o fato de se terem levado em consideração as barreiras enfrentadas por negros e indígenas no ingresso à pós-graduação e o papel do processo... | | |
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