13 de abril de 2018

A lei das indemnizações de 1835 e a violência política depois da Guerra Civil - Academia.edu


Fátima Sá Fátima Sá
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)History, Faculty Member

A lei das indemnizações de 1835 e a violência política depois da Guerra Civil

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Daniel  Keeran MSW Daniel Keeran MSW
College of Mental Health CounselingPresident, Faculty Member

The New Stockholm Syndrome (discussion download)

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Imported sugar is tasteless

Normal spoonful of sugar put in a cup of tea is two spoonful. But the cheap imported sugar we are buying has lost its taste that when a person adds sugar to a cup of tea it remains tasteless untill over 5 spoonful of sugar is added so as to get a taste of tea or coffee.More than 500 contracted farmers who delivered their cane to Mumias Sugar Company have not been paid since mid-2015. The growers are owed a total of Sh900 million. Employees have also not been paid for the last four months raising the salary bill to about Sh500 million. Mumias sugar needs over Sh5.2 billion to resume full...

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The major problems affecting us as Kenyans are the issues of political intolerance, sports gambling and corruption. These are the problems that have continued to bedevil us since we gained our independence. I will discuss these issues one after another and give the solutions that may help in mitigating them if not eliminating the rats in the Kenyan social closet. Politics in Kenya has been the element that polarizes Kenyans most, especially in the periods preceding elections, and the time that follows a disputed election.it is absurd that you will see people butchering each other in these...

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Leland G Spencer Leland G Spencer
Miami UniversityInterdisciplinary and Communication Studies, Faculty Member

Trigger warnings as respect for student boundaries in university classrooms

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Tal  Hever-Chybowski Tal Hever-Chybowski
Humboldt Universität zu BerlinDepartment of History, Graduate Student

The Talmud – A Personal Take Selected Essays

In this book, Daniel Boyarin offers a wide-ranging introduction to the many fields of study to which the Talmud can contribute, from linguistics to gender studies to the relations between formative Judaism and Christianity and the literary genres of the Talmud in the Hellenistic context.

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Nella  van den Brandt Nella van den Brandt
Utrecht UniversityPhilosophy and Religious Studies, Post-Doc

Religion, Gender, and Citizenship

In this review essay, I discuss interdisciplinary and comparative research that is taking place in the fields of religious, gender, and sexuality studies. I make a case for the academic and political relevance of research projects that are interdisciplinary – and that therefore generate multi-layered knowledge by starting from various points of view – as well as projects that are comparative of nature in the sense that they do not isolate a specific social group or trend but reveal certain specificities through comparison. As a religious studies scholar interested in the...

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Robert Hobbs Robert Hobbs
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityArt History, Faculty Member

Kara Walker's White Shadows in Blackface

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5 O CHIBITO: A lei das indemnizações de 1835 e a violência política depois da Guerra Civil - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Fátima Sá ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) ,  History , Faculty Member ...

00:11 | 13 de abril de 2018

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