| | | The Greater Caspian Project, No. 20, Geostrategy and Global Politics: The Expanded Neighborhood Issue Our third edition of the renamed 'Greater Caspian Project' is the fullest blossoming to date of just how expansive and important this region is to the world in general. The greater Caspian region encompasses areas of the world that extend all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific when you consider the geostrategic tentacles that come from the decisions made. This issue lets readers see that process in explicit detail as subjects cut across Russia, Iran, the Middle East, South Asia, all the way out to Eastern China. As is often the case in the world of global affairs and international... | | Entrevista 2015 (1) FERNANDO PESSOA - Celebração do poeta ENTREVISTA DE BÁRBARA SILVA COM JERÓNIMO PIZARRO 21.ª edição da Cx. http://revistacx.pt/edicao_n__21/#!11 Revista CX Digital, a propósito da obra de Fernando Pessoa. Entrevista com Bárbara Silva, jornalista do Grupo Impresa (SIC, Expresso, Visão, entre outros meios), que é responsável pela elaboração da revista CX Digital da Caixa Geral de Depósitos. http://www.revistacx.pt/ A edição No. 21 da revista CX foi inteiramente dedicada a Fernando Pessoa, pela ocasião dos 80 anos da sua morte, e neste contexto Jerónimo Pizarro foi convidado para ser o... | | Leadership and Learning Leadership and Learning? I've been unconvinced by research that explores the relationship between leadership and learning for some time, so I started reviewing that literature with a curious and critical eye...this is my first piece trying to make some sense of it. In short, there is good work out there but I suspect many of the field's assumptions are erroneous and...most of the work is fairly under-conceptualized. I'm only posting the first page for now, but anyone interested in it can PM me for details. | | İlk ve orta öğretimde uygulanan şiddet olaylarına öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin anlatılarından bakmak Özet Farklı amaçlarla bir başkasına istenmeyerek etkide bulunma eylemi olarak tanımlanan şiddetin değişik sebep ve uygulama biçimleri vardır. Şiddet hayatın hemen her döneminde ve çok farklı yerlerde görülebilmektedir. Bu dönem ve mekânlardan biri ve belki de en önemlisi okuldur. Eğitimde şiddet sürekli gündemde olan bir problemdir. Kişiler üzerinde derin etkiler bırakmasına ve asla istenmemesine karşın, hâlâ varlığını devam ettirmekte ve giderek de artmaktadır. Eğitimdeki şiddete yönelik geniş, sağlıklı ve yeterli araştırmalar bulunmamaktadır. Bu araştırmada, öğretmen adayı üniversite 300... | | Islamism and Gender Relations in the Muslim World as Reflected in Recent World Values Survey Data Ever since Goldin (1995) proposed the idea that there is a U-shaped female labor force participation rate function in economic development, empirical research is stunned by the question why the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are characterized by such low rates of female labor force participation. This gap in labor economics research is all the more perplexing since gender equality, particularly in education and employment, significantly contributes to economic growth. The research strategy of the present paper is within a relatively new tradition in labor market... | | Contribution of Missionary Education in Colonial Andhra: Social Change among the Depressed Classes The main objective of this paper is to assess the nature and growth of Missionary education in study of social change among the depressed classes in colonial Andhra. The missionary education played a crucial role in bringing social change among the downtrodden section in the 19 th century. Though it was initiated in the need of proselytization, this was by no means confined to this purpose alone and took the general interests and needs of the society as well. Since the process of social change was always linked to the growth of education, the missionary education had created a new social... | | | Academia, 251 Kearny St., Suite 520, San Francisco, CA, 94108 Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Service © 2016 Academia | |
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