19 de março de 2016

REVIEW ESSAYS: DE-MYTHOLOGIZING BANDERA by Oleksandr Zaitsev, André Härtel, and... - Academia.edu


Grzegorz  Rossoliński-Liebe Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe
Freie Universität BerlinFriedrich-Meinecke Institut, Post-Doc

REVIEW ESSAYS: DE-MYTHOLOGIZING BANDERA by Oleksandr Zaitsev, André Härtel, and Yuri Radchenko in: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 1, 2 (2015), 48 pp.

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James Haywood Rolling, Jr. James Haywood Rolling, Jr.
Syracuse UniversityArt Education, Faculty Member

Creative Leadership

By prompting the question, "What is my vision for creative leadership?," we may rethink the stultifying rhetoric of failure and discover opportunities for new leadership often hidden in plain sight.

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Prof. Mdy. Dr. Zainal Abidin Akasah Prof. Mdy. Dr. Zainal Abidin Akasah
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn MalaysiaFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty Member

An Affective-Cognitive Teaching and Learning Approach for Enhanced Behavioural Engagements among Engineering Students

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Bryce Evans Bryce Evans
Liverpool Hope UniversityHistory, Faculty Member

FULL BOOK: Ireland during the Second World War: Farewell to Plato's Cave

First socio-economic history of Ireland during WW2, detailing the realities of everyday life - the black market, church, state, deviance, deprivation - as well as comparing the Irish experience to the other neutral European states (Sweden, Switzerland, portugal, Spain).

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Janelle Scott Janelle Scott
University of California, BerkeleyGraduate School of Education, Faculty Member

Reframing Teach For America: A Conceptual Framework for the Next Generation of Scholarship

In this article, we advance a conceptual framework for the study of Teach For America (TFA) as a political and social movement with implicit and explicit ideological and political underpinnings. We argue that the second branch of TFA's mission statement, which maintains that

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Andreas  Pöllmann Andreas Pöllmann
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoInstituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, Faculty Member

Habitus, reflexivity, and the realization of intercultural capital: The (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education

Nowhere does the need to appreciate a diverse range of different intercultural experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education. Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies, less socioculturally dominant and often more colloquial funds of intercultural knowledge risk to suffer continued institutional marginalization and curricular obliteration. To counter such forms of symbolic violence and to create learning environments that value a wide range of processes of intercultural capital realization, intercultural education needs to...

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Simone Fullagar Simone Fullagar
University of BathFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department Member

Emotion, Affect and Sporting Experiences, in Wheaton, B, Cauldwell, J, Mansfield, L & Watson, B (Eds)(forthcoming 2016). Handbook of Feminism in Sport, Leisure and Physical Education, Palgrave

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Gísli Sigurðsson Gísli Sigurðsson
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic StudiesFolklore, Faculty Member

„On the Classification of Eddic Heroic Poetry in View of the Oral Theory." Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages. Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, Spoleto 1990, pp. 245-255.

I have tried in various publications to apply the learning derived from oral studies to the Old Norse Eddic poetry. I have not found it fruitful to focus on the formulaic language as such but rather to apply the comparative approach and use the idea of variation in an oral and manuscript culture. The variation reflects the interests, knowledge and talent of all involved in a performance – and as a result: the problems associated with the textualisation of a primarily oral text. The scholarship around Eddic poetry has been based on the idea that these poems, which all agree were written...

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Jin Y Park Jin Y Park
American UniversityDepartment of Philosophy and Religion, Faculty Member

Women, Buddhism, and Philosophy: Where and How Do They Meet?

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Mateus  Silva Mateus Silva
Universidade Estadual de CampinasIFCH - História, Graduate Student

Ensino e aprendizado de pintura em Minas Gerais. In: 3º Encontro Internacional de História Colonial, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE

Objetiva-se com este trabalho apresentar a lógica do ensino e aprendizado de pintura na Capitania de Minas Gerais, entre a segunda metade do século XVIII e o início do século XIX, até a Independência. Serão utilizadas fontes que apresentam vestígios da função dos pintores na Capitania, bem como o conjunto de materiais utilizados para a realização da arte. Primeiramente pretende-se apresentar o cenário da pintura em Minas, o status social do pintor, as relações entre a pintura e os demais ofícios e a comparação entre a organização do ambiente de oficina em Portugal e na Capitania. Para a...

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5 O CHIBITO: REVIEW ESSAYS: DE-MYTHOLOGIZING BANDERA by Oleksandr Zaitsev, André Härtel, and... - Academia.edu ...

19:28 | 19 de março de 2016

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