28 de março de 2016

Um oceano de lacunas. Revisando a historiografia e a história do espaço... - Academia.edu


Alexandre Moreli Alexandre Moreli
Getulio Vargas Foundation (Fundação Getulio Vargas)Center for International Relations, Faculty Member

Um oceano de lacunas. Revisando a historiografia e a história do espaço estratégico atlântico nos anos 1940

Ao cruzar a história das relações transatlânticas, da Segunda Guerra Mundial e da Guerra Fria através do exame das diferentes ambições civis e militares ligadas ao espaço insular atlântico português entre 1942 e 1948, este artigo tem como objetivo questionar as narrativas existentes sobre a formação de um novo espaço estratégico no oceano no período. Ao evitar o corte cronológico de 1945 como marco transformador ou ponto de partida para interesses cruzando-se em meio ao Atlântico, o artigo pretende lançar um novo olhar sobre rivalidades dissimuladas, mas perenes e consequentes, como a...

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Laurence  Raw Laurence Raw
Baskent UniversityEnglish, Faculty Member

Nail Bezel and the Idea(l) of a University (2016)

Inspired by a reading given on World Poetry Day (21 Mar. 2016), this piece celebrates Turkish academic/ poet Nail Bezel's ability to stimulate the imagination through one of the shortest poetic forms imaginable - the haiku.

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admiel kosman admiel kosman
Universitaet PotsdamInstitute of Religious Studies, Faculty Member

Homa, Abbaye's Wife, in the Talmudic Narrative and in a Painting by Edward Hopper

The story of Homa, Abbaye's wife, an the sudden burst of light from her sexy body, appears in the Babylonian Talmud Ketubot 65a. This narrative is built on an intriguing presentation of the tensions between the male and the female worlds. The male world is set forth here in the court scene as a realm in which the judges convene to put order into the chaotic reality around them. The court is where culture presents the " (masculine) law," the boundary for the chaotic "wild (Feminine)" . in a similar way - in Hopper's painting the female figure who occupies the center of the painting is...

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Eric Thomas  Weber Eric Thomas Weber
University of MississippiDepartment of Public Policy Leadership, Faculty Member

Correcting Political Correctness

I offer a new way of thinking about a hotly criticized concept, political correctness. This short essay illustrates an important element of my argument in a book in progress, titled 'A Culture of Justice.'

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Joseph Hill Joseph Hill
University of AlbertaAnthropology, Faculty Member

Entrepreneurial Discipleship: Cooking Up Women's Sufi Leadership in Dakar

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Ignacio  Lozano-Verduzco Ignacio Lozano-Verduzco
Universidad Pedagogica NacionalÁrea Académica 3. Ciencias, Humanidades y Artes, Faculty Member

Desire, Emotions, and Identity of Gay Men in Mexico City

This paper discusses the category of "desire" and its implications on emotions and identities from 15 in-depth interviews with self-identified gay men of Mexico City. The sampling was theoretical, selecting men who differed in age, income, and age and year of "coming out". Critical Discourse Analysis and masculinity theory were used as perspectives to analyze the data. The results show that homoerotic desire is fluid and difficult to comprehend because men have no symbolic resources available in their contexts to name it. Their desire is an element that allows them to identify as...

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Deniz Şimşek Deniz Şimşek
Middle East Technical UniversityGender and Women Studies, Graduate Student


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Michael Jabara Carley Michael Jabara Carley
Université de MontréalHistory/Histoire, Faculty Member

"History as Propaganda: Why the USSR Did Not 'Win' World War II (Parts 1 & 2)

Strategic Culture Foundation, Moscow http://www.strategic-culture.org/

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Melanie Myers Melanie Myers
University of the Sunshine CoastFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Post-Doc

The Woman Who Loved Those Yanks MMyers

Since the early 1980s Maureen C. Meadows' 1948 semi-fictionalised memoir I Loved those Yanks! has been cited in popular and academic histories as primary evidence of how many young women perceived and 'desired' the thousands of American servicemen who passed through Australia during World War II. Meadows worked as a stenographer for the US Army at their Base Section Three Headquarters (Sommerville House) and I Loved those Yanks! is based on her diarised experiences of her time there. Primarily, historians have selected observations from I Loved those Yanks! that articulate a generalised...

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Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneHistoire, Faculty Member

Maternité et rhétorique patriotique, autour de Praxithéa CAEN2006

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5 O CHIBITO: Um oceano de lacunas. Revisando a historiografia e a história do espaço... - Academia.edu ...

22:28 | 28 de março de 2016

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