| | | A Multi-disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Annual Publication By A research publication alone is not sufficient, it is the adequate and appropriate dissemination of knowledge through the research work published that will make a difference. Since the impact of research and knowledge is best seen, when it is shared in diverse languages, both national & international. Both through conferences and research publications, research findings need encouragement for being debated before being disseminated. It is only when through discussions a constructive feedback is provided, that the research quality can improve. Today, there are various research journals... | | Manjari Role of Father in child care is crucial. | | A Qualitative Study on Social Networking Websites in Education: Perspectives from Learners and Instructors Educational stakeholders have initiated different actions to furnish instructional processes with different social media tools. This study addresses the major research question on how the learners and/or instructors perceive the utilization of Facebook as an instructional tool. In order to get deeper information about Facebook's implementation into education, the researchers carried out face to face " in-person interviews " with both teaching side of the instruction and learning side of the instructions; shortly as the instructors (n=11) and the learners (n=9) with a convenience sampling... | | Professional Development in ELT It is often the case here in the Gwangju area that the English language teacher thinks about professional development but isn't aware of what is available or doesn't know how to go about obtaining it. Discussed here are a number of professional development options that are available to the average English teacher. | | Representações visuais de meninos e meninas: Relações entre imaginário e gênero RELATÓRIO FINAL 2011 Por que pesquisamos? Como elegemos temáticas para nossas pesquisas? O que nos chama a atenção em nossos cotidianos de professoras? Como as experiências docentes nos interrogam e se transformam em questões que buscam, mesmo que provisórias, de respostas? Inicio este relatório de pesquisa lançando essas questões com o intuito de mostrar aos leitores os caminhos que nos levaram a olhar o cotidiano escolar como campo de pesquisa e as crian-ças, que fazem deste lugar "a escola", como nossas principais interlocutoras, instigadoras e propulsoras de nossos questionamentos. Na maioria das vezes são... | | |
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