15 de fevereiro de 2018

Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa (Maria do Carmo Mendes) - Academia.edu


Jerónimo Pizarro Jerónimo Pizarro
Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Faculty Member

Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa (Maria do Carmo Mendes)

Book Review. Maria do Carmo Mendes (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal). Diacrítica, Nº 30/3, 2016, pp. 239-241, ISSN: 0870-8967. MÁRIO DE SÁ-CARNEIRO. EM OURO E ALMA. CORRESPONDÊNCIA COM FERNANDO PESSOA. Edição de Ricardo Vasconcelos e Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisboa: Tinta-da-china, 2015. 672 pp.

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900 buildings to pave way for a bridge is unfair and out of extraordinary

900 buildings to pave way for a bridge is unfair and out of extraordinary It started as a rumor now it has been confirmed. Ganjoni area is an old area near the port of Mombasa and it has its own history. Remember August 3rd 1980,three decades ago Frank Joseph Sundstorm from Warwick, Rhode Island, killed monica njeri- it was in Ganjoni,Mombasa.Some buildings are as old as 50 years and some residents call Ganjoni their home.Now the government is building "The Mombasa Gate Bridge which will link the island to South Coast.Currently the Likoni and mtongwe channels are the only links that...

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Marzenna Jakubczak Marzenna Jakubczak
Pedagogical University of CracowDepartment of Philosophy and Sociology, Faculty Member

Book review: : Melancholic Migrating Bodies in Contemporary Polish Women's Writing (U. Chowaniec) (pp. 151-154)

"We are never only in one place. Psychologically, emotionally and physically we are constantly in movement or in a process which we can broadly call migration" (p. 1), observes the author of Melancholic Migrating Bodies… in the introduction to her book. When migrating from country to country, from town to town, from village to town and the other way round, from motherland to foreign lands we happen to feel "out of place" or we seem to be "here–and–there" at once. So was Urszula Chowaniec; when writing her literary critical study she was moving many times―from Poland to Finland, from Finland...

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Danilo Breschi Danilo Breschi
UNINT Università degli Studi Internazionali di RomaFSP - Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Faculty Member

Livro e mosquete para o italiano de Mussolini: da instrução à educação sob o fascismo (1922-1943)

Meu sábio dentro do volume 1 ("Políticas Educacionais e Regimes Autoritários: intelectuais, projetos e instituições"), org. Leandro Pereira Gonçalves e Maurício Parada, pp. 20-51 de "Políticas educacionais ensino e traumas coletivos", Rio de Janeiro; Porto Alegre: Autografia: EDUPE: EDIPUCRS, 2017. Este livro apresenta as várias facetas da complexa relação entre Ditaduras, sistemas educativos e repressão. Se as ditaduras do século XX têm na repressão um seu elemento universal, os elementos de intervenção são mais diversos. Em menor ou maior grau as Ditaduras da chamada época do fascismo e...

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Ahir  Gopaldas Ahir Gopaldas
Fordham UniversityMARKETING, Faculty Member

A Front-to-Back Guide to Writing a Qualitative Research Article

Purpose - This paper offers junior scholars a front-to-back guide to writing an academic, theoretically positioned, qualitative research article in the social sciences. Approach - The paper draws on formal (published) advice from books and articles as well as informal (word-of-mouth) advice from senior scholars. Findings - Most qualitative research articles can be divided into four major parts: the frontend, the methods, the findings, and the backend. This paper offers step-by-step instructions for writing each of these four parts. Value - Much of the advice in this paper is...

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Jeremy Smith Jeremy Smith
University of Eastern FinlandKarelian Institute, Faculty Member

The Battle for Language: Opposition to Khrushchev's Education Reform in the Soviet Republics, 1958–59

Article 19 of Nikita Khrushchev's Theses " On the strengthening of the relationship of the school with life and on the further development of the system of public education in the country, " approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on November 12, 1958 and published two days later, dealt with the question of the language of instruction in schools of the multiethnic and federal Soviet Union. This article, which was inserted into the theses at a late stage in the drafting process, was to provoke the most widespread confrontation between Khrushchev and the...

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Astrid Hackel Astrid Hackel
Independent ResearcherCultural Studies, Post-Doc

[Exhibition] Left Performance Histories (03.02. - 25.03.2018)

Where do works of performance art begin and end? How do they or the traces they left behind live on in the context of exhibitions? What do performances in socialist Eastern Europe reveal about artistic expres­ sion, political critique or nonconformist social be­ haviour? The exhibition Left Performance Histories features action art in Eastern Europe from the 1970s on in a way that also reflects on its continued relevance in the present. The show includes works of over 25 artists, some well­known to those familiar with the alternative culture of the former Eastern Bloc, others possibly a new...

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Christos  Kechagias Christos Kechagias
National & Kapodistrian University of AthensDepartment of Primary Education, Faculty Member

Tzani M., Kechagias C. (2009) Criteria and Methodology of evaluation in Teacher Education. In: Meri M. "Promoting Teacher Education-From Intake system to teaching practice" (vol II), (pp. 197-202), Faculty of Education in Jagodina, [ISBN: 978-86-7604-080-3]

...The teacher must reevaluate his or her role in order to continue being a valuable and irreplaceable agent of the humanizing process. UNAPREðENJE OBRAZOVANJA UČITELJA I NASTAVNIKA OD SELEKCIJE DO PRAKSE KRITERIJUMI I METODOLOGIJA EVALUACIJE U OBRAZOVANJU NASTAVNIKA Rezime: Škola je glavna obrazovna institucija i ona se mora otvarati ka drugim izvorima obrazovanja kao što su mas-mediji, video igre, porodica i slično. Nastavnik mora preispitati svoju ulogu kako bi ostao vredan i nezamenljiv element ovog humanizujućeg procesa. U školi budućnosti, nastavnik će morati da preraste u...

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Jennifer  Shutek Jennifer Shutek
New York UniversitySteinhardt Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health, Graduate Student

The Historical Cooking Project Guest Post - Cooking as Commemoration: Reading Holocaust Cookbooks

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Jesse Paikin Jesse Paikin
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of ReligionRabbinics, Graduate Student

הוי גולה למקום תורה Exile Yourself to a Place of Torah: Visions of Education and Identity in the Babylonian Talmud

This thesis examines the Bavli's visions of pedagogy and identity, through the paradigm of Joseph Schwab's Four Commonplaces of education: student, teacher, subject matter, and milieu. When we filter the Bavli's teaching on education through the paradigm of Schwab's four commonplaces, we see how they can speak to and amplify one other. The power of the texts, I argue, is not only to be found in an attempt to isolate their original sources and intent, but in bringing them together in conversation. When we do, we see that to a remarkable degree, they share an orientation around many of the...

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5 O CHIBITO: Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa (Maria do Carmo Mendes) - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Jerónimo Pizarro Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) ,  Departamento de Humanidades y Lite...

23:44 | 15 de fevereiro de 2018

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