22 de março de 2018

amg, A estratégia politica de reconstrução e a normatividade post bellum... - Academia.edu


Armando  Marques-Guedes Armando Marques-Guedes
Universidade Nova de LisboaNOVA Law/NOVA Direito, Faculty Member

amg, A estratégia politica de reconstrução e a normatividade post bellum emergente. O caso da participação portuguesa no ISAF, Afeganistão, 2002-2011, pub. 2011, no livro Conflictos Armados, Gestión Posconflicto y Reconstrucción: 477-515, Studia Iuridica, Santiago de Compostela (versão Word).docx

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Jo  Tondeur Jo Tondeur
Vrije Universiteit BrusselInterfacultair Departement Lerarenopleiding, Faculty Member

A multilevel analysis of what matters in the training of pre-service teacher's ICT competencies

Few empirical studies investigate the impact of pre-service teachers' background and ICT profile in combination with the support they receive from their teacher training institution on their ICT competencies. Moreover, research focusing on preparing future teachers for ICT integration is generally limited to the impact of one single strategy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test a model to explain pre-service teachers' perceived ICT competencies that integrates pre-service teachers' background characteristics (age and gender), their ICT profile (e.g., attitudes towards ICT) and the...

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Laurence Hooper Laurence Hooper
Dartmouth CollegeFrench and Italian Studies, Faculty Member

Realisms and idealisms in Italian culture, 1300–2017

This special issue of the Italianist collects ten essays that consider the multiple manifestations of realism and idealism in Italy from the Trecento to the present day. Notions of the 'real Italy' (and of 'Italian realism') remain fundamental for scholars working in various disciplines, while the exploration of the ideal Italies constructed throughout history continues to inspire innovative work on virtually every period of Italian culture. Rather than accepting the many assertions of realism and the many projections of idealism that have characterized Italian culture from its beginnings,...

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Francesca Coin Francesca Coin
Università Ca' Foscari VeneziaDepartment of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Faculty Member

When love becomes self-abuse: gendered perspectives on unpaid labor in academia

F. Coin, When love becomes self-abuse. Gendered perspectives on unpaid labor in academia. In: Yvette Taylor and Kinneret Lahad (2018), Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University: Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 301-320.

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D. Brent Edwards Jr. D. Brent Edwards Jr.
University of Hawaii at ManoaEducational Foundations, Faculty Member

Ch 7 - Impact Evaluations: Persistent Limitations, Alternative Approaches, Possible Responses

This chapter addresses how the studies reviewed in this manuscript are generally problematic for two reasons that go beyond their specific findings. The first problem is the econometric nature of the studies, while the second is the political-financial-intellectual complex from which these studies were borne and back into which they went as they furthered the interests of that complex. In addition to discussing these issues, this chapter focuses on how the combination of these issues contributes to relations of dependence between international researchers with expertise in these methods and...

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D. Brent Edwards Jr. D. Brent Edwards Jr.
University of Hawaii at ManoaEducational Foundations, Faculty Member

Ch 2 - Critically Understanding Impact Evaluations: Technical, Methodological, Organizational, and Political Issues

It is crucial that scholars, but also policymakers and practitioners , have a critical understanding of the conceptual and technical limitations of impact evaluations, as well as the ways that they are necessarily affected by organizational and political dynamics. In order to achieve a critical understanding of impact evaluations, this chapter directs its attention toward both their most common form—regression analysis—as well as the form that is seen to be more robust, that is, randomized control trials (RCTs). The methodological assumptions of each of these are discussed , first, in...

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Nicholas  Maxwell Nicholas Maxwell
University College LondonScience and Technology Studies, Faculty Member

141 Review of Pinker's Book.doc

Steven Pinker's "Enlightenment NOW" is in many ways a terrific book, from which I have learnt much. But it is also deeply flawed. Science and reason are at the heart of the book, but the conceptions that Steven Pinker defends are damagingly irrational. And these defective conceptions of science and reason, as a result of being associated with the Enlightenment Programme for the past two or three centuries, have been responsible, in part, for the genesis of the global problems we now suffer from, and our current inability to deal with them properly. There is not a glimmering of an...

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Mathilde van Dijk
University of GroningenFaculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Faculty Member

Everyday Life and the Sacred Re/configuring Gender Studies in Religion

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Stella  Ktenas Stella Ktenas
The University of SydneyEnglish Literature, Graduate Student

Stella Ktenas - Gender Performance in Jonathan Swift's The Lady's Dressing Room - 2017.pdf

Published in Philament, July 2017. Identifying the gender performance in Jonathan Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room"

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Sonja Stojanovic Sonja Stojanovic
University of Notre DameRomance Languages and Literatures, Faculty Member

'J'ai mangé, j'ai mangé' [I ate and ate]: Accumulation and Excess in Marie Darrieussecq's Truismes

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5 O CHIBITO: amg, A estratégia politica de reconstrução e a normatividade post bellum... - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Armando Marques-Guedes Universidade Nova de Lisboa ,  NOVA Law/NOVA Direito , Faculty Mem...

23:26 | 22 de março de 2018

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