| | | Frei Bernardo de Brito e os escritores dos mosteiros cistercienses do Douro CITE: NP: Resende, Nuno - Cister no Douro. [s.l.]: DCRN/Museu de Lamego/Vale do Varosa, 2015. - Frei Bernardo de Brito e os escritores dos mosteiros cistercienses do Douro. ISBN: 978-989-98657-9-2 APA 6th: Resende, N. (2015). Frei Bernardo de Brito e os escritores dos mosteiros cistercienses do Douro. In N. Resende, coord. ed. & L. Sebastian, coord. ed. (Eds.), Cister no Douro (pp. 80-93). [s.l.]: DCRN/Museu de Lamego/Vale do Varosa. | | Bounded school governance: Reflections on the limits and contradictions of governing In this presentation I reflect on the extent to which school governance in England is embroiled in the technical-rational management of processes and outcomes and the bureaucracy, performativity and professionalisation typically underpinning such management. While these approaches to school governance are necessary in some sense – devolved management and school autonomy is vulnerable to moral hazard without proper oversight and transparency of their internal operations – they engender forms of de-democratisation or depoliticisation (concealed through an appeal to efficiency and expert... | | WOW! This Is Amazing! A Mental Health Course for Youth, Ages 13-19 (download) THIS IS YOUR CUE: TIME TO TAKE ACTION Call upon the community or general public, parents and youths, mental health professionals, physicians and nurses, educators, Facebook and other internet social media, religious groups, athletes, celebrities, secular and SBNR, school administrators, news media, Hollywood, academia, scientists, employers and employees, business owners and managers, private individuals and public officials, to join their talents, opportunities, and influence to support student mental health and end school shootings. Sharing this article is one way you can help... | | The Anger Test Instructions: Respond to each numbered item in the short list here as either "True" or "False" for you. A "True" response may identify a potential area for training. Reflect on whether an item identifies a problem or issue in the way you manage your anger. Anger requires boundaries, and a moral value (e.g. OK or not OK) can be assigned to strengthen boundaries for anger. Assess whether you believe the following: | | MAPPER OF MEANING: THE PHILOSOPHY OF JORDAN PETERSON We are born, we live, and then we die. Broad statements like these are rare, because the more we graft words onto a statement, the more we shrink its range with exceptions. Does this mean that sweeping truths must be limited to platitudes? Engaging in a big picture style of thinking that might be termed "synthetic philosophy," Jordan Peterson proposes a general map of what happens—and what ought to happen—between the bookends of anyone's birth and death. Humans must have mental maps of the world around them in order to act and survive. Invariably though, there will be times when those maps... | | The Lecture as a Transmedial Pedagogical Form: A Historical Analysis The lecture has been much maligned as a pedagogical form, yet it persists and even flourishes today in the form of the podcast, the TED talk, and the " smart " lecture hall. This article examines the lecture as a pedagogical genre, as " a site where differences between media are negotiated " (Franzel) as these media coevolve. This examination shows the lecture as bridging oral communication with writing and newer media technologies, rather than as being superseded by newer electronic and digital forms. The result is a remarkably adaptable and robust genre that combines textual record and... | | Configurations of Peruvian Female Migration in Iquique, Chile, in the 21st Century The article presents a state-of-the-art of studies about the Peruvian female migration in Iquique (Region of Tarapacá, Chile). Through the synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research, we offer the contextualization of social, economic and political processes that endorses the interpretation of available demographic data. We will situate the geographical limits, the political-administrative and ecological characteristics of Tarapacá and will problematize the notion that the migration in Iquique is a novel phenomenon. We will synthesize the local economic characteristics and their... | | Framing a modern context of soil science learning and teaching The teaching-research-industry-learning (TRIL) nexus has been used to develop a framework for the learning and teaching of soil science applicable to a range of recipients, particularly campus-based students and practicing farm advisors. To develop such a framework, a starting point was to establish a core body of knowledge (CBoK) for soil science that would meet industry needs, in this case the grains production industry. To develop the CBoK relevant to the grains industry, academics and industry professionals were consulted by online means (a Delphi study) and face-to-face forums to... | | |
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