22 de junho de 2018

Into action: understanding the dynamics of resistance in times of war and... - Academia.edu


Enrico Acciai Enrico Acciai
University of LeedsHistory, Post-Doc

Into action: understanding the dynamics of resistance in times of war and repression

NIOD, Herengracht 380 1016 CJ Amsterdam Workshop program 21-22 June 2018 More information: Ismee Tames, i.tames@niod.knaw.nl

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Richard Miskolci Richard Miskolci
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Medicina Preventiva, Faculty Member

Who's afraid of Judith Butler? The moral crusade on human rights in Brazil

Presentation of the Debate Section Who's afraid of Judith Butler? The moral crusade on human rights in Brazil published on the journal "cadernos pagu" (n.53, 2018)

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Pedro Paulo  Pereira Pedro Paulo Pereira
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Faculty Member

Judith Butler e a pomba-gira

Este texto aborda a pressão que setores conservadores vêm exercendo contra as conquistas no campo de gênero e sexualidade e comenta sobre a violência das manifestações desses grupos. A partir de experiências em pesquisa, coloca em xeque a oposição entre religiosidade e formas alternativas de vivência de sexualidade e de gênero. Pensando na teoria de Judith Butler, indaga as possíveis brechas, as possibilidades de mediação e os limites de se pensar em categorias fixas. Assinala que talvez o caminho seja o de aproximação à multiplicidade dos agentes e suas formas inauditas de agência, e à...

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Pedro Paulo  Pereira Pedro Paulo Pereira
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Faculty Member

Judith Butler and the pomba-gira

This article examines the pressure that conservative sectors in Brazil continue to exercise against progress made in the fields of gender and sexuality. It also comments on the violence of these groups' protests and rallies. Based on research experiences, the article calls the opposition between religion and alternative forms of sexuality and gender into check. Considering Judith Butler's theories, the work examines possible openings, as well as the possibilities of mediation, and the limits of thinking in accordance with fixed categories. It also signals that the best path for considering...

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Quinn Slobodian Quinn Slobodian
Wellesley CollegeHistory, Faculty Member

Germany's 1968 and Its Enemies

'89 is '68 upside down. Not long ago,, the symmetry seemed like more than a coincidence to historians of Germany. The dates marking the wave of student protest and the fall of the Berlin Wall were both signposts in a nation's passage of "recivilization" from the wreckage of 1945 to the stable axis of a united Germany and a united Europe...

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David  Do Paço David Do Paço
Sciences Po, ParisCentre d'Histoire de Sciences Po, Faculty Member

EUI (paper in international conference): 12th Max Weber Fellows June Conference

Each year, the Max Weber June Conference presents an opportunity to enhance academic exchange and collaboration between different generations of Fellows. At a time of perceived global upheaval and crisis, we seek to bring together an eclectic group of scholars to discuss some of the major transformations that states and societies have undergone across time and space. The aim is to develop multidisciplinary perspectives on key current, past and likely future challenges faced by local, regional, national and transnational communities. These include, but are not limited to, issues related to...

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Maya Mikdashi Maya Mikdashi
Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyIRW, Post-Doc

Sextarianism: Notes on Studying the Lebanese State

Lebanese statecraft and sovereignty emerge from the management of sectarian difference and sexual difference; two mutually constitutive modes of political difference. This chapter develops an analytic for the study of Lebanese statecraft that is situated at the intersections between sect and sex, "sextarianism." Sextarianism allows the study of the Lebanese state without separating or privileging sectarian difference from sexual difference, an analytic approach that is grounded in the ways that the state actually regulates and produces sexual and sectarian difference (what we might call...

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Dr. Gambari Amosa Isiaka Dr. Gambari Amosa Isiaka


The study analyzed students' views and their expectation of how PowerPoint should be deployed for instruction. The participants of the study comprises of 300 students from higher institution of learning. A survey questionnaire was administered to gather the data of the study. Prior to the administration of the instrument, a pilot test was conducted to ascertain the reliability and validity of the research instrument. To validate the instrument, a factor analysis was computed and a three (3) factor was extracted. The reliability of each of the three factors was computed, and a coefficient of...

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Dr. Gambari Amosa Isiaka Dr. Gambari Amosa Isiaka

Modeling Technology Preparedness as an Antecedent of Mathematic Pre-service Teachers' Self Efficacy, Perceived Usefulness and Intention Toward Use of Information Technology in Nigeria

This study test a specified model of information technology (IT) preparedness as antecedent of pre-service teachers' self efficacy, perceived usefulness, and intention toward IT use for teaching in Nigeria. Survey method was employed for prosecuting the study. The participants of the study comprise of 200 pre-service teachers studying Mathematics education in one of the Nigerian universities. The instrument used for data collection was adapted and subjected to validation and reliability check. A factor analysis revealed four constructs and their reliability indexes were .73, .87, .90 and...

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David  Deavel David Deavel
University of St. Thomas, MinnesotaCatholic Studies, Faculty Member

Fear and Longing for Eternity

Information about and a link to the podcast for my recent guest appearance on "The UnCommon Good" with Bo Bonner and Dr. Bud Marr.

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5 O CHIBITO: Into action: understanding the dynamics of resistance in times of war and... - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Enrico Acciai University of Leeds ,  History , Post-Doc Into action: understanding...

00:49 | 22 de junho de 2018

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