21 de dezembro de 2015

“Musealizar misericórdias conhecendo a sua história” in I Jornadas de... - Academia.edu


Maria Antónia Lopes Maria Antónia Lopes
Universidade de CoimbraFaculdade de Letras, Departamento de História, Arqueologia e Artes, Faculty Member

"Musealizar misericórdias conhecendo a sua história" in I Jornadas de museologia nas Misericórdias. Atas, coord. de Rita Fernanda do Vale Pinto Pedras, Penafiel, Misericórdia de Penafiel, 2015, pp. 49-62

As misericórdias portuguesas, na maioria com várias centenas de anos, possuem um património rico e de cariz diversificado. Muitas delas estão agora a envidar esforços para o valorizar, musealizando-o, o que o permite preservar, devolvê-lo à comunidade que o criou (e tantas vezes esqueceu) e integrá-lo nas rotas turísticas. Para uma correta estruturação dos espólios, da sua sinalética e das explicações fornecidas aos diferentes públicos que o visitam é imprescindível conhecer a história das misericórdias, desde a sua natureza e objetivos às suas atividades ao longos dos séculos, passando...

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Pedro Paulo A. Funari Pedro Paulo A. Funari
Universidade Estadual de CampinasIFCH, Faculty Member

O ensino de História no segundo grau: uma experiência

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Hatem Bazian Hatem Bazian
University of California, BerkeleyNear Eastern Studies, Faculty Member

Muslims are civil society's prisoners!

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Matthew Crosston Matthew Crosston
Bellevue UniversityInternational Security and Intelligence Studies, Faculty Member

The Greater Caspian Project, No. 19 - Secrets and Lies: The International Affairs Issue

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Situations:  Cultural Studies in the Asian Context Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context
Yonsei UniversityCollege of English, Faculty Member

Horror and the Global Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Situations Fall 2016 edited by Peter Paik, College of Letters and Science, Italian, French and Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (pypaik@uwm.edu)

Horror and the Global A Special Issue of Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context Call for Papers The horror genre in cinema has flourished in the global era. Horror is associated with the persistence of the past, which has been rendered monstrous or demonic by some collective or individual transgression or by the waning of historical consciousness. It also seeks to work though fears of the future, engaging the dangers of runaway technology or grappling with the prospects of far-reaching social change. The aim of this special issue is to examine the resurgence of the genre in East...

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Felipe  Rodríguez Moreno Felipe Rodríguez Moreno
Universidad Pedagogica NacionalDEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOGÍA, Graduate Student


Bahía Solano is a municipality located in the Chocó District on the Pacific coast of Colombia, which over the past decades has undergone profound social and cultural transformations. A decree by the Colombian government created Bahía Solano as an agricultural colony in 1935. Under these circumstances, dozens of peasant families from around the country were brought in to settle and farm there. In addition, between the 1980s and the 1990s the area began to witness a new wave of migration of people from different parts of the country, who arrived in the municipality to establish a variety of...

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Susan Blum Susan Blum
University of Notre DameAnthropology, Faculty Member

The Game of School

Strategies are the main learning outcome of all those years of school. Anyone who flunks strategy basically flunks school.

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Gabrielle Moser Gabrielle Moser
OCAD UniversityFaculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Interdis. Studies, Faculty Member

"Picturing Citizenship: the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee's photographic lantern slides, 1900-45"

Presented at the Ryerson Image Centre's conference, "PHOTOGRAPHY HISTORIANS: A New Generation?" March 26-28, 2015 Citizenship has emerged as a key term in recent photography theory as way to assert the political potential of images, insisting photographs are a forceful language through which subjects articulate claims to rights....

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Marion Meyer
University of ViennaInstitut für Klassische Archäologie, Faculty Member

Athena und die Mädchen. Zu den Koren auf der Athener Akropolis, in: M. Meyer - N. Brüggemann (Hrsg.), Kore und Kouros. Weihegaben für die Götter (2007)

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Joshua Deckman
Penn State UniversityDepartment of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese, Graduate Student

Race in the Americas Graduate Student Conference at Penn State CFP (Keynotes: Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel and Alai Reyes-Santos) - Extended abstract submission deadline: January 15th, 2016

Note: Deadline for submissions extended to January 15, 2016 at 11:59pm EST.

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5 O CHIBITO: “Musealizar misericórdias conhecendo a sua história” in I Jornadas de... - Academia.edu ...

03:15 | 21 de dezembro de 2015

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