6 de janeiro de 2016

2015. Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa. - Academia.edu


Jerónimo Pizarro Jerónimo Pizarro
Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Faculty Member

2015. Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa.

Público | Ípsilon, pp. 19-21 Luís Miguel Queirós, «O suicida accidental». 24 de Dezembro de 2015. As cartas de Mário de Sá-Carneiro a Fernando Pessoa, agora publicadas numa edição crítica, mostram um poeta activo nas vanguardas do seu tempo — e com uma energia criativa e um sentido de humor pouco compatíveis com o estereótipo do suicida predestinado.

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Fernando Seffner Fernando Seffner
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulEducação - Education, Faculty Member

PROFESSORAS TRAVESTIS E TRANSEXUAIS: saberes docentes e pedagogia do salto alto

No cenário educacional brasileiro, professoras travestis e transexuais são cada vez mais visíveis, e provocam repercussões em geral ligadas ao preconceito e à discriminação que sofrem. Este texto indaga sobre as consequências pedagógicas e educacionais da presença de professoras travestis e transexuais em sala de aula. Entrevista um grupo destas professoras em diversos estados do Brasil, busca identificar os elementos que caracterizam a ação delas em sala de aula, e chega à proposição de uma "pedagogia do salto alto". Nesta modalidade pedagógica se conjugam dois elementos fortes, ser mulher...

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Isabel Nogueira Isabel Nogueira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulInstituto de Artes, Faculty Member

O que nos move, o que nos dobra, o que nos instiga: notas sobre epistemologias feministas, processos criativos, educação e possibilidades transgressoras em música

Este texto discute aspectos teóricos das perspectivas feministas pós-coloniais e traz uma reflexão sobre sua aplicabilidade e desdobramentos para a criação musical, a partir de uma perspectiva que inclui marcadores sociais como gênero, raça e etnia, sexualidades, classe social, dentre outros. Sob as lentes da abordagem feminista de conhecimento situado, consideramos nossos trabalhos anteriores com musicologia e etnomusicologia. Também pretendemos descrever os processos que tornaram possível assumirmos nossa identidade como compositoras, e observar como a prática da criação sonora está...

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Robin  Beck Robin Beck
University of MichiganAnthropology, Faculty Member

The Politics of Provisioning: Food and Gender at Fort San Juan de Joara, 1566-1568

Beginning with Kathleen Deagan's description of the St. Augustine Pattern, in which domestic relations between Spanish men and Native American women contributed to a pattern of mestizaje in Spanish colonies, gender has assumed a central role in archaeological perspectives on colonial encounters. This is especially true for those encounters that accompanied colonialism in the Americas during the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Gender relations were essential to the creation of new cultural identities during this time, as indigenous communities encountered immigrant, European...

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Kevin Wright Kevin Wright
Arizona State UniversitySchool of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Faculty Member

Capturing Crime: The Qualitative Analysis of Individual Cases for Advancing Criminological Knowledge

The qualitative analysis of individual cases has a prominent place in the development of criminological theory, yet progression in the scientific study of crime has largely been viewed as a distinctly quantitative endeavor. In the process, much of the theoretical depth and precision supplied by earlier methods of criminological knowledge production have been sacrificed. The current work argues for a return to our criminological roots by supplementing quantitative analyses with the qualitative inspection of individual cases. We provide a specific example of a literature (i.e., criminal...

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Veysel Demirer Veysel Demirer
Suleyman Demirel UniversityComputer Education and Instructional Technology, Faculty Member

Demirer, V. & Erbaş, Ç. (2015). Mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının incelenmesi ve eğitimsel açıdan değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(3), 802-813. DOI: 10.17860/efd.29928

Öz: Mobil teknolojiler gün içerisinde kullandığımız mobil uygulamalarla günlük hayatımızı düzenlememizi ve yönlendirmemizi sağlayabilmektedir. Mobil cihazlarda kullanılabilen bu uygulamalardan biri de artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisidir. Mobil cihazlar üzerinde artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisinin kullanılmasını sağlayan uygulamalar başta reklamcılık olmak üzere imalat sanayii, sağlık ve eğitim gibi çeşitli alanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları kullanıcıya sundukları iki ve üç boyutlu görsel destekleri, video oynatabilme, dış web sayfası bağlantısı gibi...

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Patricia Mertzig Patricia Mertzig
Universidade do Oeste PaulistaMúsica, Faculty Member


The Distance Education in Brazil, at the same time that it shows yourself as a promising area for the initial training of teachers, on the other hand, is still neglected in educational key guiding documents. In this sense, this article aims to present how the initial training of teachers in courses offered in the distance was treated at the National Conference on Education (CONAE, 2010) and how it affected the National Education Plan (PNE 2014 to 2024) approved by Law No. 13005 of 24 June 2014. This presentation is given by a theoretical discussion with support of these documents and...

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Patricia Mertzig Patricia Mertzig
Universidade do Oeste PaulistaMúsica, Faculty Member


The Independent Study theory emerged from the deployment of other educational theories focused on Distance Education. This theory deals mainly with learner autonomy to the physical distance that separates it from their teachers establishing new relations of teaching and learning. This article presents the Independent Study Theory in Distance Education and analyze how this theory contributes to contemporary studies in education. We chose a theoretical basis of research based on the proposal of its principal author, Wedemeyer (2010), and other authors who support the research. We undertook a...

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Jacques Gleyse Jacques Gleyse
University of MontpellierLIRDEF, Faculty Member

Le vêtement de l'Enfant : l'éducation physique et le sport (1880 à nos jours)

Those short overview shows the transformations of student clothes in physical education and sport since the end of the 19th century. Its shows how there is a gap between the clothes in physical education and the sports wear.

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Laura McClure Laura McClure
University of Wisconsin-MadisonClassics, Faculty Member

Courtesans Revisited: Women in Aristophanes' Lysistrata

This essay provides a reassessment of the increasingly popular view that the young wives of Aristophanes' Lysistrata are represented as hetaeras. It begins by examining a parallel debate in contemporary Attic red-figure vase paintings of women at home to show that displays of female sexuality are not incompatible with marriageable maidens and wives. Aristophanes similarly situates his female characters within a domestic context as the site of sexual and social legitimacy. A detailed analysis of clothing, footwear and grooming practices deployed in the sex strike demonstrates that they...

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5 O CHIBITO: 2015. Em Ouro e Alma. Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa. - Academia.edu ...

17:23 | 6 de janeiro de 2016

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