3 de agosto de 2018

A NEW READING OF A ROMAN BRICK OF PORTUGAL: 442. Una aportación para una nueva... - Academia.edu


Marc  Mayer-Olivé Marc Mayer-Olivé
University of BarcelonaDepartament de Filologia Llatina, Faculty Member

A NEW READING OF A ROMAN BRICK OF PORTUGAL: 442. Una aportación para una nueva lectura del ladrillo de São Sebastião do Freixo conservado en el Museu Tavares Proença Júnior
 de Castelo Branco, Ficheiro Epigráfico, 171, 2018, núm. FE 657, 2018 (14 pp.).

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Mikko Joronen
University of TampereFaculty of Management/ Politics, Department Member

Marriage under occupation: Israel's spousal visa restrictions in the West Bank

In the West Bank, hundreds of non-Palestinian women who are married to Palestinian men have recently been issued shortened visas with tightened restrictions. This means they are often prevented from working, their mobilities are severely reduced and they are placed in extremely precarious bureaucratic and procedural positions. The research in this article draws from fieldwork interviews with women affected by such restrictions to show how politically induced precarities produce gendered effects towards specific ends of the occupation of Palestine. We thus frame a discussion of the women's...

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Dr Robin A Hadley Dr Robin A Hadley
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityResearch Institute for Health and Social Change, Post-Doc

"I'm missing out and I think I have something to give": experiences of older involuntarily childless men.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to extensively report the implications of the global trend of declining fertility rates and an increasingly ageing population. The experiences of childless men are mostly absent from gerontological, psychological, reproduction, and sociological, research. These disciplines have mainly focussed on family formation and practices, whilst the fertility intentions, history, and experience of men have been overlooked. Not fulfilling the dominant social status of parenthood provides a significant challenge to both individual and cultural identity. Distress...

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Kalindi Vora
University of California, San DiegoEthnic Studies, Critical Gender Studies, Science Studies, Faculty Member

CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES The Surrogate Effect: Technoliberalism and Whiteness in a " Post " Labor Era

This paper offers preliminary reflections on the relationship between the seemingly opposed logics of white supremacy and racial liberalism by sketching the contours and workings of what the authors call technoliberalism. First, the article briefly overviews the relationship between the discourse of " white loss, " immigration and automation in contemporary US national politics. It then addresses how technoliberal imaginaries that argue that it is robots, not racialized others, who are taking US jobs, pin their anti-racist logics on a post-racial technological future. Through examples of...

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Mechthild Nagel Mechthild Nagel
SUNY CortlandPhilosophy, Faculty Member


An encyclopedic review of women prisoners in Africa.

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Nitin Sinha Nitin Sinha
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner OrientHistory, Faculty Member

The Idea of Home in a World of Circulation: Steam, Women and Migration through Bhojpuri Folksongs

The historical juncture of the 1840s to 1860s witnessed three developments: first, the introduction of the new means of communication (steamships and railways); second, new industrial and plantation investments in and outside of India, creating demand for labour; and third, the expansion of a print culture that went beyond the urban elite domain to reflect the world of small towns and villages. In this constellation of social, economic, and technological changes, this article looks at the idea of home, construction of womanhood and the interlaced lifecycles of migrant men and non-migrant...

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib World UniversityNanotechnology, Emeritus

Shanghai Rankings 2018:Performance Evaluation of Indian Universities

Performance of Indian Universities and IITs is discussed as evaluated by Shanghai Rankings 2018.

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UFMG - The Federal University of Minas GeraisAntropologia e Arqueologia, Faculty Member

PENA, Will. NEGOCIANDO GÊNEROS COM O PARALELO 60: por uma genealogia do prestígio antártico.

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Dr. Mark  Irwin Dr. Mark Irwin
University of SussexSchool of Education and Social Work, Post-Doc

Creativity and Authenticity as Identity Practices in Popular Music Education

This paper will discuss some of the findings of a two-year empirical research project examining the informal learning narratives and teaching practices of professional popular musicians. As Lave and Wenger (1991) established learning is a process of becoming, and for popular musicians this requires an orientation with a musical and professional identity. Informal learning is important in the process of learning as becoming, the formation of identity-through individual and group identity practices. Furthermore, understanding those identity practices is instrumental in terms of the...

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Tina  Lindhard Tina Lindhard
International University of Professional StudiesConsciousness Studies, Faculty Member

Some Reflections on the Future of Education

Far from offering a tentative structured theory or solution regarding the urgently needed reforms concerning education in the 21 st century, we limit ourselves to some punctual considerations of how education can prepare students for the future. Even if they are not directly connected, we hope they may help in creating the indispensable radical paradigm shift in the way we teach and learn, which is needed to meet the multi-dimensional challenges confronting global society in the 21 st century. They involve the following points: an attitudinal change from memorizing to understanding;...

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5 O CHIBITO: A NEW READING OF A ROMAN BRICK OF PORTUGAL: 442. Una aportación para una nueva... - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Marc Mayer-Olivé University of Barcelona ,  Departament de Filologia Llat...

13:25 | 3 de agosto de 2018

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