26 de agosto de 2018

Owens_Polycentric monarchies_RESEÑAS.pdf - Academia.edu


J. B. (Jack)  Owens J. B. (Jack) Owens
Idaho State UniversityHistory, Faculty Member

Owens_Polycentric monarchies_RESEÑAS.pdf

Owens, J. B. (2015) Review of Polycentric Monarchies: How did Early Modern Spain and Portugal Achieve and Maintain a Global Hegemony? Edited by Pedro Cardim, Tamar Herzog, José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez, and Gaetano Sabatini. In Hispania, 2015, vol. LXXV, nº. 250, mayo-agosto: 566-569.

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J. B. (Jack)  Owens J. B. (Jack) Owens
Idaho State UniversityHistory, Faculty Member

Owens Review Early Modern Hispanic World- Transnational and Interdisciplinary Approaches

Owens, J. B. (2017) "Review of Lynn, Kimberly and Erin Kathleen Rowe, eds. The Early Modern Hispanic World: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Approaches," Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 42: Iss. 2, Article 16. https://doi.org/10.26431/0739-182X.1261

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Aleksander Kobylarek Aleksander Kobylarek
University of WroclawEducation, Faculty Member

Education Culture Society Conference 2018 ONLY LAST CALL

The main topics are usually problems of contemporary education related to the cultural and social change. We especially invite transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary scholars as one of our aims is to avoid the sometimes unclear divisions between different branches and disciplines as well as to promote knowledge above all boundaries. Until now we have almost 100 participants registered from all continents except for Australia. The registration for the conference is still valid. In the case you will send the article and pay the fee until the end of June-it will have chance to be published in...

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Nisan Alıcı Nisan Alıcı
University of Ulster, BelfastTransitional Justice Institute, Graduate Student

PEACE AND GENDER: The Colombian Peace Process 1 research center for peace, democracy and alternative politics The Colombian Peace Process

No other peace process has ever attracted so much attention to the inclusion of a gender-perspective than the Colombian peace process. The reason for this is the way in which the Colombian case integrated women and LGBTQ+ organisations as relevant actors into the process of building peace. This report looks into the 50-year-long conflict in Colombia and its recent peace agreement. Focussing on these women's and LGBTQ+ organisations, the report analyses how they experienced the peace process. It illustrates their contributions, gains as well as their critique towards the...

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Keith  Ruiter Keith Ruiter
University of AberdeenCentre for Scandinavian Studies, Graduate Student

Sharing a Voice: Early-Career Scholars and the Arctic

At the University of the Arctic Rectors' Forum, held on 23rd of August 2017 at the University of Aberdeen, Early-Career Scholars collaboratively developed a proposal on the Forum theme of The Inhabited Arctic: Lands, Peoples and Scholarship in the Circumpolar North. This interdisciplinary group focused on developing opportunities in circumpolar scholarship, tackling the pressing challenges of geopolitical circumstances, scarce research funding and shifting national agendas. The following feature embodies a shared voice focussed on promoting capacity building in the UArctic and enhancing...

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Katharina  Wiedlack Katharina Wiedlack
University of ViennaEnglish and American Studies, Post-Doc

(Pop)Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange between East and West.

"American Boy, American Joy"—Gendered National Imaginations between Russia and the United States of America This paper addresses the existence of gendered national representations that influenced popular discourses, and arguably politics, during the dissolution of the former Soviet Union (USSR). This work focuses especially on the construction of the United States of America as a potent male heterosexual nation in contrast to a feminine and promiscuous post-Soviet Russia by analyzing a selection of popular songs by Kombinaciya, a 1990s Russian female pop band. This investigation of...

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Taiwo Adetunji  Osinubi Taiwo Adetunji Osinubi
University of Western OntarioEnglish and Writing Studies, Faculty Member

CL TOC 2018.pdf


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Claudia  Giampietro Claudia Giampietro
Pontifical University of St Thomas AquinasCanon Law, Graduate Student

Are the SOS villages in Italy models of peaceful coexistence for future generations? Interreligious dialogue plays a key role in welcoming children without a home.docx

I wrote this paper as part of my formation with the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID)

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Verónica Norando Verónica Norando
Universidad de Buenos AiresInstituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Post-Doc


Todavía nos cuesta desentrañar el caos de las relaciones sociales como se nos presentan a simple vista al observarlas como científicos/as sociales. Por un lado, parecen estar las relaciones de producción, por otro lado, parecen convivir las relaciones antagónicas de género, aparecen también las desigualdades étnicas. Se ha avanzado mucho con los estudios de la interseccionalidad. Lo que voy a hacer aquí es complejizar el análisis desde el marxismo. En este trabajo me propongo avanzar, siguiendo con investigaciones previas, en la relación entre las relaciones de producción (de clase) y de...

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Alex Liebergesell
Pratt InstituteDepartment of Graduate Communications Design, Faculty Member

Design in the Age of Autonomous Machines Design in the Age of Autonomous Machines: Modeling Inclusion, Dialogue and Behavior

In the coming two decades, automation is expected to significantly displace new categories of human labor forces, as artificial intelligence (AI) and mobile robotics (MR) increasingly take on non-routine cognitive tasks. While designers, educators and technologists fare relatively well in the overall susceptibility-to-displacement rankings, they will nonetheless need to grapple with the impact of blended, moving systems that are capable of emulating causal reasoning and human insight. This article briefly chronicles the trajectory of AI and robotics research over the last fifty years,...

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5 O CHIBITO: Owens_Polycentric monarchies_RESEÑAS.pdf - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED J. B. (Jack) Owens Idaho State University ,  History , Faculty Member Owens_Polyc...

07:13 | 26 de agosto de 2018

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