13 de agosto de 2018

The Second World War in Polish History Textbooks: Narratives and Networks from... - Academia.edu


Sylwia Paulina  Bobryk Sylwia Paulina Bobryk
University of PortsmouthCentre for European and International Studies Research, Graduate Student

The Second World War in Polish History Textbooks: Narratives and Networks from 1989 until 2015

1989 was the year when Polish history textbooks were freed from the control of the communist state. It was also the time when Pandora's Box was opened and diverse but often conflicting memories and narratives were released into the public sphere. They were promoted not only by domestic but also transnational actors and international organisations. So far the relationship between textbook narratives and networks of actors who influenced textbook production in post-communist Poland has not been studied. Hence, this thesis investigates how textbook narratives evolved between 1989 and 2015 and...

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Andreas  Serafim Andreas Serafim
University of CyprusDepartment of Classical studies and Philosophy, Post-Doc

Papaioannou, Sophia, Andreas Serafim and Kyriakos Demetriou, "The Hermeneutic Framework: Persuasion in Genres and Topics", in: The Ancient Art of Persuasion across Genres and Topics (contracted with Brill/ forthcoming/ publication expected in 2019)

Papaioannou, Sophia, Andreas Serafim and Kyriakos Demetriou, "The Hermeneutic Framework: Persuasion in Genres and Topics", in Sophia Papaioannou, Andreas Serafim and Kyriakos Demetriou (eds.). The Ancient Art of Persuasion across Genres and Topics (contracted with Brill/ forthcoming/ publication expected in 2019).

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Kyle Ashlee Kyle Ashlee
Miami University ot Oxford, OhEducational Leadership, Graduate Student

Fostering Critical Awareness of Masculinity around the World

Fostering critical awareness of masculinity and gender inequality around the world is key to developing effective solutions to many social problems. Men in societies throughout the world enjoy privilege in the areas of power, wealth, and status. They are also responsible for a vast majority of acts related to gender violence and oppression around the globe. Yet, men's health disparities and changing economic patterns offer ever more complex constraints for what it means to be a man around the world.

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David Lay Williams David Lay Williams
DePaul UniversityPolitical Science, Faculty Member

It's a mistake to associate the Western canon with strictly conservative principles (The Hill, August 2, 2018)

A retort to Jason D. Hill's "call to shut down our nation's universities," focusing on his association of canonical texts with conservative orthodoxy.

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Mona Abdel-Fadil Mona Abdel-Fadil
University of OsloDepartment of Media and Communication, Post-Doc

Chapter 16 Gender, Diversity and Mediatized Conflicts of Religion: Lessons from Scandinavian Case Studies

Drawing on empirical data from the Scandinavian project Engaging with Conflicts in Mediatized Religious Environments (CoMRel), this chapter analyses the findings from case-studies in: classrooms, online communities, public service media (PSM) production rooms, local news outlets, and interreligious dialogue initiatives. Gender and ethno-religious diversity receive particular analytical attention. We discuss the multiple ways in which various social actors in Scandinavia engage with mediatized conflicts about religion, and the ways in which dominant media frames are replicated, contested,...

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Nahem  Ilan Nahem Ilan
Hemdat Hadarom CollegeJewish History, Faculty Member

Nahem Ilan, "Review of 'Women and Gender in the 20th Century Middle East, eds. Ruth Roded and Noga Efrati," Nashim 20 (Fall 2010): 159-163

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Ignacio Chuecas
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileHistory, Graduate Student

"'Yoren, yoren los señores, los que tiene raẓón...', Sentimiento(s) religioso(s) en la diáspora judeo-portuguesa (1550-1650)"

Portuguese; Colonial Hispanic America; religious experience; history of emotions; XVIIth century

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Jaime Sebastian F. Galán
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis PotosíPSYCHOLOGY, Faculty Member

Psychometric properties of the dependent ideation scale

Abstract: Dependent ideation is based on (patriarchal) gender mandates and romantic love ideals leading to the idea that a partner is absolutely necessary in a person‟s life; this attitude is associated with fear of being single, abnegation, and difficulty receiving affection. Method: The construction of the scale used a sequential derivate method including a first phase focused on content validity followed by a transversal design approach for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a different population sample. Finally, using the same design, convergent...

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Matthew A Kraft Matthew A Kraft
Brown UniversityEducation, Faculty Member

Individualized Coaching to Improve Teacher Practice Across Grades and Subjects: New Experimental Evidence

This paper analyzes a coaching model focused on classroom management skills and instructional practices across grade levels and subject areas. We describe the design and implementation of MATCH Teacher Coaching among an initial cohort of fifty-nine teachers working in New Orleans charter schools. We evaluate the effect of the program on teachers' instructional practices using a block randomized trial and find that coached teachers scored 0.59 standard deviations higher on an index of effective teaching practices comprised of observation scores, principal evaluations, and student surveys....

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5 O CHIBITO: The Second World War in Polish History Textbooks: Narratives and Networks from... - Academia.edu TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Sylwia Paulina Bobryk University of Portsmouth ,  Centre for European and International S...

23:27 | 13 de agosto de 2018

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