19 de janeiro de 2016

2015 Eric Terzuolo, If Hitler Had Won - Academia.edu


Virgilio Ilari Virgilio Ilari
Catholic University of MilanHumanities, Emeritus

2015 Eric Terzuolo, If Hitler Had Won

Alternative War, Ucronia. A paper by Eric Robert Terzuolo, for Quaderno Sism 2016 Future War

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Andrea Peto Andrea Peto
Central European UniversityGender Studies, Faculty Member

"From a "non-science" to gender analyses? : Usage of sex/gender in Hungarian." In The making of European women's studies , pp. 90-92. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2001.

In The making of European women's studies : a work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research : ATHENA-Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Women's Studies in Europe,

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Leland Spencer Leland Spencer
Miami UniversityIntegrative Studies, Faculty Member

Sitting in Silence: Managing Aural Body Rhetoric in Public Restrooms

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Kenneth Bo  Nielsen Kenneth Bo Nielsen
University of BergenDepartment of Sociology, Post-Doc


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University of BrightonEducation Research Centre, Faculty Member

Un pacte avec le diable' ou des elements de reflexion a l'intention des formateurs de maitres

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Laila Alodaat Laila Alodaat
SOAS University of LondonLSS, Graduate Student

No Women, No Peace in Syria

Article about the essential role of women in the peace negotiations in Syria.

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Dor Abrahamson Dor Abrahamson
University of California, BerkeleyGraduate School of Education, Faculty Member

Learning is moving in new ways: The ecological dynamics of mathematics education.

Whereas emerging technologies, such as touchscreen tablets, are bringing sensorimotor interaction back into mathematics learning activities, existing educational theory is not geared to inform or analyze such learning. In particular, educational researchers investigating instructional interactions still need intellectual and methodological frameworks for conceptualizing, designing, facilitating, and analyzing how students' immersive hands-on dynamical experiences become formulated within semiotic registers typical of mathematical discourse. We present case studies of tutor–student behaviors...

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Kate Cairns Kate Cairns
Rutgers University-CamdenChildhood Studies, Faculty Member

REVIEW: The Moral Geographies of Children, Young People and Food: Beyond Jamie's School Dinners

Published in Food, Culture & Society http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2015.1088209

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Rose Metro Rose Metro
University of Missouri ColumbiaEducational Leadership And Policy Analysis, Adjunct

Post-colonial subjectivities in the post-conflict aid triangle: The drama of educational missionization in the Thai-Burma borderlands

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Onesimo Almeida Onesimo Almeida
Brown UniversityDepartment of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Faculty Member

Camões e o espírito empírico da modernidade

Camões tem sido criticado por não ter captado o espírito empírico que circulava nos círculos do topo envolvidod no processo dos descobrimentos. neste ensaio tento demonstrar que assim não é. O Canto V de "Os Lusíadas" comprovam-no abundantemente, deixando claro que o poeta não só estava informado como reflecte no seu cássico épico o espírito empírico aguçado durante a viagem à Índia que ele próprio realizou.

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02:23 | 19 de janeiro de 2016

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